Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 To this Dauid, when his land was restored agane to him. OVR Lord hath reigned, let the earth reioyce: let manie Ilands be glad.
2 Cloude, and mist round about him: iustice, and iudgement the correction of his seat.
3 Fire shal goe before him, and shal inflame his enimies round about.
4 His lightninges shined to the round world, the earth sawe, and was moued,
5 The mountaines melted as waxe, before the face of our Lord: before the face of our Lord al the earth.
6 The heauens haue shewed forth his iustice: and al peoples haue seene his glorie.
7 Let them al be confounded, that adore sculptils: and that glorie in their idoles. Adore him al ye his Angels:
8 Sion heard, and was glad. And the daughters of Iuda reioyced, because of thy iudgements ô Lord.
9 Because thou Lord most high ouer al the earth: thou art exalted excedingly aboue al goddes.
10 You that loue our Lord, hate ye euil: our Lord keepeth the soules of his saintes, out of the hand of the sinner he wil deliuer them.
11 Light is risen to the iust, and ioy to the right of hart.
12 Be glad ye iust in our Lord: and confesse ye to the memorie of his sanctification.