Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 The Psalme of Dauid.
REIOYCE ye iust in our Lord: praysing becometh the righteous.
2 Confesse ye to our Lord on the harpe: on a psalter of ten strings sing to him.
3 Sing ye to him a new song: sing wel to him in iubilation.
4 Because the word of our Lord is right, and al his workes are in faith.
5 He loueth mercie and iudgement: the earth is ful of the mercie of our Lord.
6 By the word of our Lord the heauens are established: and by the spirit of his mouth al the power of them.
7 Gathering together the waters of the sea, as it were in a bottel: putting the depthes in treasures.
8 Let al the earth feare our Lord: and let al the inhabitantes of the world be moued at him.
9 Because he said, and they were made: he commanded and they were created,
10 Our Lord dissipateth the counsels of nations: and he reproueth the cogitations of people, and he reproueth the counsels of princes.
11 But the counsel of our Lord abydeth for euer: the cogitations of his hart in generation and generation.
12 Blessed is the nation, whose God is our Lord: the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance.
13 Our Lord hath looked from heauen: he hath sene al the children of men.
14 From his prepared habitation he hath looked vpon al, that inhabite the earth.
15 Who made their hartes seuerally: who vnderstandeth al their workes.
16 The king is not saued by much powre: and the gyant shal not be saued in the multitude of his strength.
17 The horse fayleth to safetie, and in the abundance of his force he shal not be saued.
18 Behold the eies of our Lord be vpon them that feare him: and on them, that hope vpon his mercie.
19 That he may deliuer their soules from death: and nourish them in famine.
20 Our soule expecteth our Lord: because he is our helper and protector.
21 Because in him our hart shal reioyce: and we haue trusted in his holie name. Let thy mercie ô Lord be made vpon vs: as we haue hoped in thee.