Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Vnto the end, the Psalme of Dauid.
2 LORD in thy power the king shal be glad: and vpon thy saluation he shal reioyce excedingly.
3 The desire of his hart thou hast geuen him: and of the wil of his lippes thou hast not defrauded him.
4 Because thou hast preuented him in blessinges of sweetnesse: thou hast put on his head a crowne of pretious stone.
5 He asked life of thee: and thou gauest him length of daies for euer, and for euer and euer.
6 Great is his glorie in thy saluation: glorie and great beautie thou shalt put vpon him.
7 Because thou shalt geue him to be a blessing for euer and euer: thou shalt make him ioyful in gladenesse with thy countenance.
8 Because the king hopeth in our Lord: and in the mercie of the Highest he shal not be moued.
9 Let thy hand be found of al thy enemies: let thy righthand find al, that hate thee.
10 Thou shalt put them as an ouen of fyre in the time of thy countenance: our Lord in his wrath shal truble them, and fyre shal deuoure them.
11 Their fruite thou shalt destroy from the land: and their seede from the children of men.
12 Because they haue turned the euils vpon thee: they haue deuised counsels, which they could not establish.
13 Because thou shalt put them back: in thy remnantes thou shalt prepare their countenance. Be exalted Lord in thy powre: we wil chaunte and sing thy powers.