Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Dauid singularly protected by God.
The 8. key.
King Dauids thankes to God for his often deliuerie from great dangers, first in general, then more particularly describeth Gods terrible maner of fighting for him, 18. against his cruel, and otherwise potent enimies: 22. attributing the same to Gods good pleasure, and iustice of his cause, 31. praiseth God, 33. his only protector. 41. and depresser of his enemies.
1 Vnto the end, to the seruant of our Lord Dauid, who spake to our Lord the wordes of this canticle, in the day, that our Lord deliuered him out of the hand of al his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul, and he said: (2. Reg. 22.)
2 I wil loue thee ô Lord my strength:
3 Our Lord is my firmament, and my refuge, and my deliuere. My God is my helper, and I wil hope in him. My protectour and the horne of my saluation, and my receiuer.
4 Praysing I wil inuocate our Lord: and I shal be saued from mine enemies.
5 The sorrowes of death haue compassed me: and torrentes of iniquitie haue trubled me.
6 The sorrowes of hel haue compassed me: the snares of death haue preuented me.
7 In my tribulation I haue inuocated our Lord, and haue cried to my God: And he hath heard my voice from his holie temple: and my crie in his sight, hath entered into his eares.
8 The earth was shaken & trembled: the fundations of mountaines were trubled, and were moued, because he was wrath with them.
9 Smoke arose in his wrath: and fire flamed vp from his face: coles were kindled from him.
10 He bowed the heauens, and descended: and darkenesse vnder his feete.
11 And he ascended vpon the cherubs, and flew: he flew vpon the wings of windes.
12 And he put darkenesse his couert, his tabernacle is round about him: darkesome water in the cloudes of the aire.
13 Because of the brightnesse in his sight the cloudes passed, hayle and coles of fire.
14 And our Lord thundered from heauen, and the Highest gaue his voice: haile and coles of fire.
15 And he shot his arrowes, and dissipated them: he multiplied lightnings, and trubled them.
16 And the fountaynes of waters appeared, and the fundations of the world were reueled. At thy rebuke ô Lord, at the blast of the spirit of thy wrath.
17 He sent from on high, and tooke me: and he receiued me out of manie waters.
18 He deliuered me from my most strong enemies, and from them that hated me; because they were made strong ouer me.
19 They preuented me in the day of mine affliction: and our Lord was made my protectour.
20 And he brought me out into largenesse: he saued me, because he would me.
21 And our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice, and according to the purity of my handes he wil reward me.
22 Because I haue kept the waies of our Lord, neither haue I done impiously from my God.
23 Because al his iudgementes are in my sight: and his iustices I haue not repelled from me.
24 And I shal be immaculate with him; and shal keepe me from mine iniquitie.
25 And our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice: and according to the puritie of my handes in the sight of his eies.
26 With the holie thou shalt be holie, and with the innocent man thou shalt be innocent.
27 And with the elect thou shalt be elect: and with the peruerse thou shalt be peruerted.
28 Because thou wilt saue the humble people: and the eies of the proud thou wilt humble.
29 Because thou dost illuminate my lampe ô Lord: my God illuminate my darkenesse.
30 Because in thee I shal be deliuered from tentation, and in my God I shal goe ouer the wal.
31 My God his way is vnpolluted: the wordes of our Lord are examined by fire: he is protector of al that hope in him.
32 For who is God but our Lord? or who is God but our God?
33 God that girded me with strength: and made my way immaculate.
34 That perfited my feete as it were of hartes: and setting me vpon high thinges.
35 That teacheth my handes to battel: and hast put mine armes, as a bow of brasse.
36 And hast geuen me the protection of thy saluation: and thy right hand hath receiued me: And thy discipline hath corrected me vnto the end: and thy discipline the same shal teach me.
37 Thou hast enlarged my pases vnder me: and my steppes are not weakened:
38 I wil pursew myne enemies, and ouertake them: and wil not returne til they faile.
39 I wil breake them, neither shal they be able to stand: they shal fal vnder my feete.
40 And thou hast girded me with strength to battel: and hast supplanted them that rise against me vnder me.
41 And myne enemies thou hast geuen me their backe, and them that hate me thou hast destroyed.
42 They cried, neither was there that would saue them, to our Lord, neither did he heare them.
43 And I wil breake them to powder, as the dust before the face of winde: as the durt of the streates I wil destroy them.
44 Thou wilt deliuer me from the contradictions of the people: thou wilt appoynte me to be head of the Gentiles.
45 A people, which I knew not, hath serued me: in the hearing of the eare it hath obeyed me.
46 The children being alienes haue lyed to me, the children alienes are inueterated, and haue halted from their pathes.
47 Our Lord liueth, and blessed be my God, and the God of my saluation be exalted.
48 O God which geuest me reuenges, & subdewest peoples vnder me, my deliuerer from mine angrie enemies.
49 And from them that rise vp against me thou wilt exalt me: from the vniust man thou wilt deliuer me.
50 Therfore wil I confesse to thee among nations ô Lord: and wil say a psalme to thy name,
51 Magnifying the saluations of his king, and doing mercie to his Christ Dauid, and to his seede for euer.