Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gentils succede the Iewes.
the 6. key.
The prophet inuiteth al men to praise God for his meruelous workes, and benefites donne to the Iewes. 7. Who being vngratful, 8. Gentiles are called, 16. and bring forth better fruict.
1 Vnto the end, a Canticle of resurrection.
MAke ye iubilation to God al the earth, 2 say a psalme to his name: geue glorie to his praise.
3 Say ye to God: How terrible are thy workes ô Lord in the multitude of thy strength thine enimies shal lie to thee.
4 Let al the earth adore thee, and sing to thee: let it sing a psalme to thy name.
5 Come ye, and see the workes of God: terrible in counsels ouer the children of men.
6 Who turneth the sea into drie land, in the riuer they shal passe on foote, there we shal reioyce in him.
7 Who ruleth in his strength for euer his eyes looke vpon the gentiles: they that exasperate him let them not be exalted in themselues.
8 Ye Gentiles blesse our God: and make the voice of his prayse hearde.
9 Who hath put my soule in life: and hath not geuen my feete to be moued.
10 Because thou hast proued vs ô God: by fire thou hast tried vs, as siluer is tried.
11 Thou hast brought vs into a snare, thou hast laide tribulations on our backe: thou hast set men vpon our heades.
12 We haue passed through fire and water: and thou hast brought vs out into refreshing.
13 I wil goe into thy house with holocaustes: I wil render thee my vowes: 14 which my lippes haue distinguished.
And my mouth hath spoken in my tribulation.
15 Holocaustes with marrow wil I offer to thee, with incense of rammes: I wil offer to thee oxen with bucke goates.
16 Come ye, heare, and I wil tel al ye that feare God, what great things he hath done for my soule.
17 To him haue I cried with my mouth, and haue exulted vnder my tongue.
18 If I haue beheld iniquitie in my hart, our Lord wil not heare.
19 Therfore hath God heard, and hath attended to the voice of my petition.
20 Blessed be God who hath not remoued my prayer, and his mercie from me.