Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods prouidence towards the good and bad
the 3. key.
The prophet (as wel in his owne, as other iust mens person) describeth great calamities suffered, 10. prayeth against the wicked, 13. lamenting especially that those which professe frendshipe, are aduersaries. 17. and declareth Gods prouidence in protecting the good, and destroying the bad.
1 Vnto the end, in songes, vnderstanding to Dauid.
2 HEARE my prayer ô God, despise not my petition,
3 Attend to me; and heare me.
4 I am made sorowful in my exercise: and am trubled at the voice of the enimie: and at the tribulation of the sinner.
Because they haue wrested iniquities vpon me: & in anger they were trublesome to me.
5 My hart is trubled in me: and the feare of death is falne vpon me.
6 Feare and trembling are come vpon me: and darkenes hath couered me.
7 And I said: Who wil geue me wings as of a doue, and I wil fly: and rest?
8 Loe I haue gone far flying away: and I abode in the wildernes.
9 I expected him, that saued me from pusillanimitie of spirit, and tempest.
10 Precipitate ô Lord, and diuide their tongues: because I haue sene iniquitie and contradiction in the citie.
11 Day and night shal iniquitie compasse it vpon the walles therof; and labour in the middest therof, and iniustice.
12 And there hath not ceased out of the streetes therof vsurie, and guile.
13 For if myne enimie had spoken euil to me, I would verely haue borne it.
And if he that hated me had spoken great thinges vpon me: I would perhaps haue hid myselfe from him.
14 But thou a man of the same minde: my guide, and my familiar.
15 Which diddest take swete meats together with me, in the house of God we walked with consent.
16 Let death come vpon them: and let them goe downe quicke into hel.
Because there is wickednes in their habitations, in the middes of them.
17 But I haue cried to God, and our Lord wil saue me.
18 In the euening, and morning, & at midday, I wil * * or pray speake and declare, and he wil heare my voice.
19 He wil redeme my soule in peace from them, that approch to me: because among manie they were with me.
20 God wil heare, and he which is before the worldes wil humble them.
21 For there is no change with them, & they feared not God: he hath streached forth his hand in repaying.
22 They haue contaminated his testament, they are diuided by the wrath of his countenance; and his hart hath approched.
His wordes are made softer then oile: and the same are dartes.
23 Cast thy care vpon our Lord: and he wil nourish thee: he wil not geue fluctuation to the iust for euer.
24 But thou ô God wilt bring them downe into the pitte of destruction.
Bloudy and deceitful men shal not liue halfe their daies.
but I wil hope in thee ô Lord.