Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods prouidence in protecting the good and permitting euil.
The 3. key.
The Church prayseth God for her protection, 4. in repelling the enemies force, 8. in punishing the wicked, and rewarding the iust.
1 Vnto the end, for the secrets of the sonne, the Psalme of Dauid.
2 I WIL confesse to thee ô Lord with al my hart: I wil tel al thy meruelous thinges.
3 I wil be glad and reioyce in thee: I wil sing to thy name ô most High.
4 In turning mine enemie backward: they shal be weakened, and perish before thy face.
5 Because thou hast done my iudgement and my cause: thou hast sitte vpon the throne which iudgest iustice.
6 Thou hast rebuked the Gentiles, and the impious hath perished: their name thou hast destroyed for euer, and for euer and euer.
7 The swordes of the enemie haue fayled vnto the end: and their cities thou hast destroyed.
8 Their memorie hath perished with a sound: and our Lord abideth for euer.
9 He hath prepared his throne in iudgement: & he wil iudge the whole world in equitie, he wil iudge the people in iustice.
10 And our Lord is made a refuge for the poore: an helper in opportunities, in tribulation.
11 And let them hope in thee that know thy name: because thou hast not forsaken them that seeke thee ô Lord.
12 Sing to our Lord, which dwelleth in Sion: declare his studies among the Gentiles:
13 Because he requiring bloud remembred them: he hath not forgotten the crie of the poore.
14 Haue mercie on me ô Lord: See my humiliation by my enemies.
15 Which exaltest me from the gates of death, that I may declare al thy prayses in the gates of the daughter of Sion.
16 I wil reioyce in thy saluation: the Gentiles are fastened in the destruction, which they made. In this snare, which they hid, is their foote taken.
17 Our Lord shal be knowen doing iudgements: the sinner is taken in the workes of his owne handes.
18 Let sinners be turned into hel, al nations that forget God.
19 Because to the end there shal not be obliuion of the poore man: the patience of the poore, shal not perish in the end.
20 Arise Lord, let not man be strengthned: let the Gentiles be iudged in thy sight.
21 Appoint Lord a lawgeuer ouer them: that the Gentiles may know that they be men.
The 10. Psalme, according to the Hebrevves.

1 Why Lord hast thou departed far of, despisest in opportunities, in tribulation?
2 Whiles the impious is proude, the poore is set on fyre: they are caught in the counsels which they deuise.
3 Because the sinner is praysed in the desires of his soule: and the vniust man is blessed.
4 The sinner hath exasperated our Lord, according to the multitude of his wrath he shal not seeke.
5 There is no God in his sight: his waies are defiled at al time. Thy iudgementes are taken away from his face: he shal rule ouer al his enemies
6 For he hath sayd in his hart: I wil not be moued from genetion vnto generation, without euil.
7 Whose mouth is ful of cursing, and bitternesse, and guile: vnder his tongue labour and sorrow.
8 He sitteth in waite with the rich in secrete places, to kil the innocent.
9 His eyes looke vpon the poore: he lyeth in wayte in secret, as a lyon in his denne.
10 He lyeth in wayte to take the poore man violently: violently to take the poore man whiles he draweth him. In his snare he wil humble him selfe, and shal fal when he shal haue dominion ouer the poore.
11 For he hath sayed in his hart; God hath forgotten, he hath turned away his face not to see for euer.
12 Arise Lord God, let thy hand be axalted: forget not the poore.
13 Wherfore hath the impious prouoked God? for he hath said in his hart; He wil not enquire.
14 Thou seest, that thou considerest labour and sorrow: that thou mayest deliuer them into thy handes. To thee is the poore left: to the orphane thou wilt be an helper
15 Break the arme of the sinner and malignant: his sinne shal be sought, and shal not be found.
16 Our Lord shal reigne for euer, and for euer and euer: ye Gentiles shal perish from his land.
17 Our Lord hath heard the desire of the poore: thy eare hath heard the preperation of their hart,
18 To iudge for the pupil and the humble, that man adde no more to magnifie him selfe vpon the earth.