Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Vnto the end, the psalme of Dauid.
2 THE heauens shew forth the glorie of God, and the firmament declareth the workes of his handes.
3 Day vnto day vttereth word: and night vnto night sheweth knowledge.
4 There are no languages, nor speaches, whose voyces are not heard.
5 Their sound hath gone forth into al the earth; and vnto the endes of the round world the wordes of them.
6 He put his tabernacle in the sunne: & himself as a bridgrome coming forth of his bridechamber.
7 He hath reioyced as a giant to runne the way, his comming forth from the toppe of heauen: And his recourse euen to the toppe therof: neither is there that can hide him selfe from his heate.
8 The law of our Lord is immaculate conuerting soules: the testimonie of our Lord is faithful, geuing wisedome to litle ones.
9 The iustices of our Lord be right, making hartes ioyful: the precept of our Lord lightsome; illuminating the eies.
10 The feare of our Lord is holie, permanent for euer and euer: the iudgmentes of our Lord be true, iustified in themselues.
11 To be desired aboue gold and much pretious stone: and more sweete aboue honie and the honie combe.
12 For thy seruant keepeth them, in keeping them is much reward.
13 Sinnes who vnderstandeth? from my secrete sinnes cleanse me:
14 and from other mens spare thy seruant. If they shal not haue dominion ouer me, then shal I be immaculate; and shal be cleansed from the greatest sinne.
15 And the wordes of my mouth shal be such as may please: and the meditation of my hart in thy sight alwayes. O Lord my helper, and my redemer.