Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


A prayer in affliction.
the 7. key.
A feruent and attentiue prayer, to be deliuered from captiuitie, or anie other affliction.
1 A gradual Canticle. TO thee haue I lifted vp mine eies, which dwellest in the heauens.
2 Behold as the eies of seruantes, are on the handes of their masters, As the eies of the handmaide on the handes of her mistresse: so are our eies to our Lord God vntil he haue mercie on vs.
3 Haue mercie on vs ô Lord, haue mercie on vs: because we are much replenished with contempt.
4 Because our soule is much replenished: reproch to them that abund, and contempt to the prowde.