Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 A Canticle to Dauid himselfe, when the house was built after the captiuitie. SING ye to our Lord a new song: sing to our Lord al the earth.
2 Sing ye to our Lord, and blesse his name: shewforth his saluation from day to day.
3 Shewforth his glorie among the Gentiles, his meruelous workes in al peoples.
4 Because our Lord is great, and exceeding laudable: he is terrible aboue al goddes.
5 Because al the goddes of the Gentiles are diuels, but our Lord made the heauens.
6 Confession, and beauty in his sight: holinesse, and magnificence in his sanctification.
7 Bring to our Lord ye families of Gentiles, bring ye to our Lord glorie and honour:
8 bring to our Lord glorie vnto his name. Take vp hoastes, and enter into his courtes:
9 adore ye our Lord in his holie court. Let al the earth be moued before his face:
10 say ye among the Gentiles that our Lord hath reigned. For he hath corrected the round world which shal not be moued: he wil iudge peoples in equitie.
11 Let the heauens be glad, and the earth reioyce, the sea be moued, and the fulnesse therof:
12 the fieldes shal be glad, and al things, that are in them. Then shal the trees of the woodes reioyce
13 before the face of our Lord, because he cometh: because he cometh to iudge the earth. He wil iudge the round world in equitie, and peoples in his truth.