Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Exhortation to flee from sinne for feare of hel.
The 7. key.
The royal prophet inuiting al states and sortes of men, to heare him attentiuely, 6. sheweth that al ought to feare eternal damnation, that liue wickedly; 9. vainly and foolishly seeking (13. euen like brute beastes) carnal pleasures, which they can not long enioy, nor long escape hel. 16. confidently animating him selfe, and al good men, that trust not in this world.
1 Vnto the end, to the sonnes of Core a Psalme.
2 HEARE these thinges al ye Gentiles: receiue with your eares al ye, that inhabite the earth.
3 Al ye earthly persons, and children of men: together in one the rich and the poore.
4 My mouth shal speake wisedom, and the meditation of my hart prudence.
5 I wil incline mine eare vnto a parable: I wil open my proposition on a Psalter.
6 Why shal I feare in the euil day? the iniquitie of my heele shal compasse me.
7 They that trust in their strength: and glorie in the multitude of their riches,
8 A brother doth not redeme, man shal redeme: he shal not geue vnto God his reconciliation,
9 And the price of the redemption of his owne soule: and he shal labour for euer, 10 and shal liue yet vnto the end.
11 He shal not see death, when he shal see the wise dying the unwise, and the foole shal perish together.
And they shal leaue their riches to strangers: 12 and their sepulchers their houses for euer.
Their Tabernacles in generation and generation: they haue renowmed their names in their landes.
13 And man, when he was in honour, did not vnderstand: he was compared to beasts without vnderstanding, and became like to them.
14 This their way is a scandal to them: and afterward in their mouth they shal take pleasure.
15 As sheepe they are put in hel: death shal feede vpon them. And the iust shal rule ouer them in the morning: and their aide shal waxe old in hel from their glorie.
16 Neuerthelesse God wil redeme my soule out of the hand of hel, when he shal take me.
17 Feare not when a man shal be made rich: and when the glory of his house shal be multiplied.
18 Because when he shal dye, he shal not take al thinges: neyther shal his glorie goe downe with him.
19 Because his soule in his life shal be blessed: he wil confesse to thee when thou shalt do him good.
20 He shal enter in, euen to the progenies of his fathers: and he shal not see light for euer.
21 Man, when he was in honour, did not vnderstand: he was compared to beasts without vnderstanding, and became like to them.