Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christes prouident care of the iust.
The 3. key.
Dauids freindes aduising him to flee from the persecution of Saul, he answereth, that his trust is in Gods protection. 2. Though the persecutor be very malitious, 4. yet God wil ouerthrow him, 5. and deliuer the iust.
1 Vnto the end the psalme of Dauid
I TRVST in our Lord: how say ye to my soule: Passe ouer vnto the mountayne as a sparrow?
2 For behold sinners haue bent the bow, they haue prepared their arrowes in the quiuer, that they may shoote in the darke, at them that be right of hart.
3 For they haue destroyed the thinges, which thou didst perfite: but the iust what hath he done?
4 Our Lord is in his holie temple, our Lord his seate is in heauen.
5 His eies haue respect vnto the poore: his eieliddes examine the sonnes of men.
6 Our Lord examineth the iust, and the impious: but he that loueth iniquity, hateth his owne soule.
7 He shal rayne snares vpon sinners: fyre and brimstone, and blast of stormes the portion of their cuppe.
8 Because our Lord is iust and hath loued iustice: his countenance hath seene equitie.