Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


A prayer in long affliction.
the 7. key.
Faithful people pressed with persecution lamentably complayning, besecheth God to respect his owne inheritance, cruelly afflicted; 10. and leift long without helpe, 12. wheras heretofore he releeued in like distresses. 18. And therfore confidently hopeth he wil renenge the blasphemers of his name,
1 Vnderstanding to Asaph.
VVHY hast thou ô God repelled for euer: is thy furie wrath vpon the sheepe of thy pasture ?
2 Be mindful of thy congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning.
Thou hast redemed the rod of thine inheritance: mount Sion, in which thou hast dwelt.
3 Lift vp thy handes vpon their prides for euer: how great thinges hath the enimie done malignantly in the holy place:
4 And they that hate thee haue gloried: in the middes of thy solemnitie.
They haue sette their signes, for signes: 5 and haue not knowne, as in the issue on high.
As in a wood of trees they haue with axes 6 cut out the gates therof together: in hatchet, and chippeaxe they haue cast it downe.
7 They haue burnt thy sanctuarie with fire: they haue polluted the tabernacle of thy name in the earth.
8 Their kinred together haue saide in their hart: Let vs make al the festiual daies of God to cease from the earth.
9 Our signes we haue not seene, there is now no prophet: and he wil know vs no more.
10 How long ô God shal the enimie vpbraide: the aduersarie prouoke thy name for euer?
11 Why doest thou turne away thy hand, and thy right hand, out of the middes of thy bosome for euer?
12 But God our king before the worldes: he hath wrought saluation in the middes of the earth.
13 Thou in thy strength hast confirmed the sea: thou hast crushed the head of Dragons in the waters.
14 Thou hast broken the heads of the dragon: thou hast giuen him for meate to the peoples of the Æthiopians.
15 Thou hast broken vp fountanes, and torrentes: thou hast dried the riuers of Ethan.
16 The day is thine, and the night is thine: thou hast made the morning and the sunne.
17 Thou hast made al the coasts of the earth: the summer and the spring thou hast formed them.
18 Be mindeful of this, the enimie hath vpbraided our Lord: and a foolish people hath prouoked thy name.
19 Deliuer not to beasts the soules that confesse to thee: and the soules of thy poore forget not for euer.
20 Haue respect vnto thy testament: because they that are obscure of the earth, are filled with houses of iniquities.
21 Let not the humble be turned away being confounded: the poore and needy shal praise thy name.
22 Arise God, iudge thy cause: be mindful of those thy reproches, that are from the foolish man al the day.
23 Forget not the voices of thine enimies: the pride of them that hate thee, hath ascended alwaies.