Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Dauids prayer in danger.
the 8. key.
Dauid being in danger before Achis king of Geth, confidently imploreth Gods helpe, against the great malice and powre of his enimies; 8. foresheweth their ruine, his owne exaltation, 12. and offereth praises and thankes.
1 Vnto the end, for a people, that is made far from the Sainctes, Dauid in the inscription of the title, when the foreners held him in Geth. (1. Reg. 12. v. 12)
2 HAVE mercie on me ô God, because man hath troden vpon me: al the day impugning he hath afflicted me.
3 Myne enimies haue troden vpon me al the day: because they are manie that warre against me.
4 From the height of the day I shal feare: but I wil trust in thee.
5 In God I wil praise my wordes, in God haue I hoped: I wil not feare what flesh may do to me.
6 Al the day did they detest my wordes; against me, al their cogitations are vnto euil.
7 They wil inhabite and keepe secret: they wil obserue my heele.
As they haue expected my soule, 8 for nothing shalt thou saue them: in wrath thou wilt breake peoples.
O God, 6 I haue shewed my life to thee: thou hast set my teares in thy sight.
As also in thy promise: 10 then shal mine enemies be turned backeward.
In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee: loe I haue knowne that thou art my God.
11 In God I wil praise the word, in our Lord wil I praise thee sayng, I haue hoped in God, I wil not feare what man can do to me.
12 In me, ô God are thy vowes, which I wil render, praises to thee.
13 Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death, and my feete from falling: that I may please before God, in the light of the liuing.