Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


A confident prayer in tribulation.
the 7. key.
A prayer of the iust reposing their whole trust in God: 7. and reioycing that the enimies machinations are frustrate.
1 Vnto the end, a Psalme of Dauid.
2 HEARE ô God my prayer when I make petition: from the feare of my enimie deliuer my soule.
3 Thou hast protected me from the assemblie of the malignant: from the multitude of them that worke iniquitie.
4 Because they haue sharpned their tongues as a sworde: they haue bent the bow a bitter thing, 5 that they may shoote in secretes at the immaculate.
6 Sodanely they wil shoote at him, and wil not feare: they haue confirmed to themselues a wicked worde.
They haue talked to hide snares: they haue saide, who shal see them?
7 They haue searched iniquities: they haue failed searching with scrutinie.
8 Man shal come to a deepe hart: and God shal be exalted.
Childrens arrowes are made their woundes: 9 and their tongues are weakned against them.
Al that saw them were trubled; 10 and euerie man feared.
And they shewed forth the workes of God: and they vnderstood his doinges.
11 The iust shal reioice in our Lord, and shal hope in him, and al the right of hart shal be praised.