Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Instruction to gouerne.
the 7. key,
King Dauid gratfully celebrateth the two general diuine vertues, Mercie and Iustice: 2. by this his owne example exhorteth al, especially Superiors to direct their wayes in sinceritie, 4. and to seperate the wicked from conuersation of the good.
1 A Psalme to Dauid himselfe. MERCIE and iudgement I wil sing to thee ô Lord: I wil sing,
2 and I shal vnderstand in the immaculate way, when thou shalt come to me. I walked through in the inocencie of my hart, in the middes of my house.
3 I did not propose before mine eies any vniust thing: I hated them that do preuarication.
4 A peruerse hart hath not cleaued to me: the malignant declining from me I knew not.
5 One secretly detracting from his neighbour, him did I persecute. One of a proud eye, and vnsatiable hart, with him I did not eate.
6 Mine eies are towards the faithful of the earth that they may sit with me. A man that walketh in the immaculate way, he did minister to me.
7 He that doth proudly shal not dwel in the middes of my house: he that speaketh vniust thinges, hath not directed in the sight of mine eies.
8 In the morning did I kil al the sinners of the earth: that I might destroy out of the citie of our Lord, al those that worke iniquitie.