Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christes Passion & effectes therof.
The 5. key.
Christ prayeth in his Passion, 7. describeth the acerbitie therof; 20. foresheweth by way of prayer his Resurection: 23. more clerly the fundation and propagation of his Church (27. & 30. interposing the singular foode of the most blessed Sacrament) euen to the endes of the earth in al nations.
1 Vnto the end for the Redemption of mankind vndertaken by Christ, and performed by his death, beganne to be shewed by his Resurrection in the morning of the third day. S. Aug. morning enterprise, the Psalme in figure of Christ the beloued of God. of Dauid.
2 Mat. 27. GOD God is God of al his creatures, but in more peculiar sorte God of Christ by personal vnion. my God haue respect to me: Thou neither deliuerest me from dying: nor yeldest me such comforth, as thou voutsafest to other Sainctes. v. 6. Mat. 27. why hast thou forsaken me? I am neither deliuered from dying, nor comforted in my passion, hauing vndertaken to dye for the sinnes of mankind, & reputed them as myn owne wordes or factes. far from my saluation are the wordes of my sinnes.
3 My God, I shal crie Albeit I crie by day, by day, and by night, on the crosse and in the garden, to haue the chalice of death remoued from me, and shal not be heard, and thou wilt not heare: and by night, and Yet there is no follie, nor fault in this petition, which is with submission of mans wil to Gods wil. not for follie vnto me.
4 But Thou from heauen Wilt heare when it is conuenient. thou dwellest in the holie place, Whole wisdome and goodnes the Church worthely praiseth. the prayse of Israel.
5 In thee our fathers Patriarkes, Prophets, and other holy men praying in their distresses obtained their requestes. haue hoped: they hoped, and thou didst deliuer them.
6 They cried to thee, and were VVere temporally deliuered by thy mightie hand from their persecuters. saued: they hoped in thee, and were not frustrate of their humble prayers. not confounded.
7 But God that comforted his seruantes in their tribulations, leift Christ without his ordinarie consolation, to suffer more than euer any other did. I am a wicked persecuters respected not Christ as a man, but contemned him, as a very worme worme and no man: a as most reprochful of al men. reproch of men and as the basest of al the people. outcast of the people.
8 Almost al became Christs cruel enemies at the time of his passion, afflicting, blaspheming, and scorning him, as the Euangelistes record. Al that see me haue scorned me: they haue spoken with the lippes, and wagged the head.
9 The Euangelistes write how al these thinges were fulfilled by wicked men speaking these blasphemies, and reproches. He hoped in the Lord, God semed to be wel pleased with Christ, as with his owne Sonne: if it be so, let him deliuer him from these afflictions, say these blasphemers. let him deliuer him: let him saue him, because he wil him.
10 Because thou art he that diuine powre without man formed me in the wombe of my mother a virgin. hast drawen me out of the wombe: my hope from the brestes of my mother.
11 Vpon thee I As I haue no father but thee O God: so without intermission from myn incarnation to this time, I haue had thee my protector: haue bene cast from the matrice: leaue me not now without comforte seing I must dye as thou hast determined, and I freely consented: yet leaue me not in death but raise me againe to life. Psal. 15. v. 9. 10. from my mothers wombe thou art my God,
12 depart not from me. Because tribulation is verie nigh: because there is Almost al are become myn enemies, and those few that would, can not helpe me. not that wil helpe.
13 Manie Delicate lasciuious yongmen, calues haue compassed me: and the scribes Pharises and elders of the people haue al conspired against me. fatte bulles haue besieged me.
14 They haue condemning me and perswading the people to crie: Crucifie, crucifie him. opened their mouth vpon me, as a lion rauening and roaring.
15 As So weakned with paines of torments, as fluide water not able to consist. water I am powred out: and al My bones and strongest partes of my bodie are weakned, verified when our Sauiour fel downe vnder his crosse. my bones are dispersed. the part that first and last liueth is weakned as soft waxe by heat of the fire, and ready to faile. My hart is made as waxe melting in the middes of my bellie.
16 My strength is withered as a al my powers, and radical humiditie is dried vp, as a potters vessel is baked in the furnace. pot-shard, and my tongue Through exceding great drught, which our Sauiour professed on the crosse saying: I thirst. cleaued to my iawes: and thou hast thus thou O God hast suffered me to come to the last breath of life, next to death. Yet finally our Sauiour gaue vp his spirite, before he should haue died. v. 21. brought me downe into the dust of death.
17 Because manie Againe this royal Prophet recounteth by whom, and how our B. Sauiour should suffer, euen as clere as the Euangelistes afterwards haue written the historie. dogges haue compassed me: the counsel of the malignant hath besieged me. They haue digged my handes and my feete:
18 Ioan. 19. They haue Our Sauiours body was so racked on the crosse, that his bones might be seene and counted. numbered al my bones. But themselues haue The persecuters vvittingly determined al this cruelitie, beheld it vvith their eyes, and vvithout al compassion persisted in malice, reioyced and blasphemed. considered and beheld me:
19 they haue the souldiars that crucified our Sauiour, taking his garmentes for their praye: deuided my garmentes among them, and vpon my yet in mysterie of his Church, diuided not his coate. vesture they haue cast lot.
20 But thou Lord He prophecieth Christes speedy resurrection. prolong not thy helpe from me: looke toward my defense.
21 Deliuer, ô God, Christs saul vvas not seperated from his bodie by force of the torments, but he preuenting death freely yelded vp his spirite, Ioan. 10. v. 9. & 10. my soule from the sword: and myne the most pure, and sanctified soule, of vvhose fulnes al other iust soules are sanctified: onlie one from that is to say not in hel, vvhich deuoured al other soules in the old Testament. the hand of the dog.
22 Saue me out of the lions mouth: and my humilitie from the hornes of vnicornes.
23 I will The propagation of the Church of Christ in al nations. declare thy name to my bretheren: in the middes of the Church I wil prayse thee.
24 Ye that feare our Lord praise him: al the not the carnal but spiritual children of Iacob, Isaac, and Abraham. Rom. 9. v. 8. seede of Iacob glorifie ye him:
25 Let al the seede of Israel feare him: because he hath not contemned, nor despised the petition of the poore. Neither hath he turned away his face from me: and when I cried to him he heard me.
26 With thee is my praise in the Church gethered both of Ievves and Gentiles is very great and vniuersal. the great Church: I Our Sauiour promised to geue his ovvne bodie, the bread of life Ioan. 6. and performed the same at his last supper. wil render my vowes in the sight of them that feare him.
27 The those that be faithful, humble and poore in spirit participat the fruict of this most excellent Sacrament. poore shal eate, and shalbe filled: and they shal praise our Lord that seeke after him: their hartes The effect of this B. Sacrament is the resurrection in glorie, and life euerlasting. shal liue for euer and euer.
28 Al the endes of the earth Gentiles which haue bene idolaters shal recollect themselues, when they heare Christ preached, and shal turne to true Religion. shal remember, and be conuerted to our Lord:
29 And al the families of the Gentiles shal adore in his sight.
30 Although men can neither deserue to be conuerted, nor to perseuere in iustice; yet Christ meriteth to haue a continual kingdom; which is the perpetual visible Catholique Church. Because the kingdome is our Lords: and he shal haue dominion ouer the Gentiles.
31 Al the Not only the poore sorte, but also the mightie ones of the world shal be conuerted to Christ, participate his B. Bodie in the Sacrament: fatte ones of the earth haue eaten, and and religiously adore the same. adored: in his sight shal al fal, Al that adore God, shad adore him in this Sacraments. that descend into the earth.
32 And Death being once ouercome, it shal haue no more powre. my soule shal liue to him: and my Againe the prophet inculcateth the continuance of the Catholique Church. seede shal serue him.
33 The generation to come shal be shewed to our Lord: and the Apostles, and other preachers of Christ. heauens shal shew forth his iustice to the people that shal be borne, whom our Lord hath made.