Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Prayse of a Canticle to Dauid. HE that dwelleth in the helpe of the Highest, shal abide in the protection of the God of heauen.
2 He shal say to our Lord: Thou art my protectour, and my refuge: my God I wil hope in him.
3 Because he hath deliuered me from the snare of the hunters, and from the sharpe word.
4 With his shoulders shal he ouershadowe thee: and vnder his winges thou shalt hope.
5 With shilde shal his truth compasse thee: thou shalt not be afrayed of the feare in the night.
6 Of the arrow flying in the day, of busines walking in darkenes: of inuasion, and the midday diuel.
7 A thousand shal fal on thy syde, & ten thousand: on thy righthand: but to thee it shal not approch.
8 But thou shalt consider with thine eies: and shalt see the retribution of sinners.
9 Because thou ô Lord art my hope: thou hast made the Highest thy refuge.
10 There shal no euil come to thee: and scourge shal not approch to thy tabernacle.
11 Because he hath geuen his Angels charge of thee: that they keepe thee in al thy waies.
12 In their handes they shal beare thee: lest perhaps thou knocke thy foote against a stone.
13 Vpon the aspe, as the basiliscus thou shalt walke: & thou shalt tread vpon the lion, and the dragon.
14 Because he hath hoped in me, I wil deliuer him: I wil protect him, because he hath knowne my name.
15 He shal crie to me, and I wil heare him: with him I am in tribulation: I wil deliuer him, and wil glorifie him.
16 With length of daies I wil replenish him: and I wil shew him my saluation.