Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 A Psalme to Asaph. O God the Gentiles are come into thine inheritance, they haue polluted thy holie temple: they haue made Ierusalem as a watch toure of fruits.
2 They haue made the carcases of thy seruants, meats for the foules of the aire: the flesh of thy sainctes for the beastes of the land.
3 They haue poured out their bloude as water round about Ierusalem: and there was none to burie them.
4 We are become a reproch to our neighboures: a scorne and mocke to them that are round about vs.
5 How long ô Lord wilt thou be angrie for euer: shal thy zele be kindled as a fire?
6 Poure out thy wrath vpon the Gentiles, that haue not knowne thee: & vpon the kingdomes, that haue not inuocated thy name.
7 Because they haue deuoured Iacob: and his place they haue made desolate.
8 Remember not our old iniquities, let thy mercies quickly preuent vs: because we are become exceding poore.
9 Help vs ô God our sauiour: and for the glorie of thy name ô Lord deliuer vs: and be propicious to our sinnes for thy names sake.
10 Lest they say perhaps amongst the Gentiles: where is their God? and be notified in the nations before our eies. The reuenge of the bloud of thy seruants, which hath benne shed:
11 let the groning of thefettered enter in thy sight. According to the greatnes of thine arme, possesse thou the children of them that are put to death.
12 And render to our neighboures seuenfold in their bosome: their reproch wherewith they haue reproched thee ô Lord.
13 But we thy people, and the sheepe of thy pasture, wil confesse to thee for euer: Vnto generation and generation we wil shew forth thy praise.