Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Vnto the end, a Psalme to Dauid him selfe.
2 BLESSED is the man that vnderstandeth concerning the needie, and the poore: in the euil day our Lord wil deliuer him.
3 Our Lord preserue him, and geue him life, and make him blessed in the land: and deliuer him not vnto the wil of his enemies.
4 Our Lord helpe him vpon the bed of his sorow: thou hast turned al his couche in his infirmitie.
5 I said: Lord haue haue mercie on me: heale my soule, because I haue sinned to thee.
6 Mine enemies haue spoken euils to me: When shal he die, and his name perish?
7 And if he came in to see, he spake vayne thinges: his hart hath gathered together iniquitie to him selfe. He went forth. and spake together.
8 Al mine enemies whispered against me: they did thinke euils to me.
9 They haue determined an vniust word against me: Shal not he that sleepeth adde to ryse againe?
10 For the man also of my peace, in whom I hoped: who did eate my breades, hath greatly troden me vnder foote
11 But thou ô Lord haue mercie vpon me, and raise me vp againe: and I wil repay them.
12 In this I haue knowen that thou wouldest me: because mine enemie shal not reioyce ouer me.
13 But me thou hast receiued because of innocencie: and thou hast confirmed me in thy sight for euer.
14 Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel from the beginning of the world, and for euermore: Be it, be it.