Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 A Canticle of a Psalme, to the children of Core, vnto the end, for Maheleth to answer, of vnderstanding to Eman the Ezrahite.
2 O Lord the God of my saluation: in the day haue I cried, and in the night before thee.
3 Let my prayer enter in thy sight: incline thine eare to my petition.
4 Because my soule is replenished with euils: and my life hath approched to hel.
5 I am accounted with them that descend into the lake. I am become as a man without helpe,
6 free among the dead, as the wounded sleeping in the sepulchres, of whom thou art mindeful no more: and they are cast of from thy hand.
7 They haue put me in the lower lake: in the darke places, and in the shadowe of death.
8 Thy furie is confirmed vpon me: and al thy waues thou hast brought in vpon me.
9 Thou hast made my familiars far from me: they haue put me abomination to themselues. I was deliuered and came not forth:
10 myne eies languished for pouertie. I cried to thee ô Lord al the day: I stretched out my handes to thee.
11 Wilt thou doe meruels to the dead: or shal phisicians raise to life, and they confesse to thee?
12 Shal any in the sepulchre declare thy mercie, and thy truth in perdition?
13 Shal thy meruelous workes be knowne in darkenes and thy iustice in the land of obliuion.
14 And I ô Lord haue cried to thee: and in the morning shal my praier preuent thee.
15 Why doest thou o Lord reiectmy prayer: turnest away thy face from me?
16 I am poore, and in labours from my youth: and being exalted, humbled and troubled.
17 Thy wrathes haue passed vpon me: and thy terrours haue trubled me.
18 They haue compassed me as water al the day: they compassed me together.
19 Thou hast made frend, and neighboure far from me: and my familiars because of miserie.