Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christ our king & Iudge.
the 5. key.
By way of prayer the Psalmist prophecieth Christs coming, our King and Iudge: 4. the deliuerer of mankind from the thraldom of the diuel. 8. the greatnes of his spiritual kingdom in the Gentiles. 16. and his continual glorie and praise.
1 Concerning Salomon.
2 O God giue thy iudgement to the king: and thy iustice to the sonne of the king.
To iudge thy people in iustice, and thy poore in iudgement.
3 Let the mountains receiue peace for the people: and the litle hilles iustice.
4 He shal iudge the poore of the people, and shal saue the children of the poore: and he shal humble the calumniator.
5 And he shal continew with the sunne, and before the moone in generation and generation.
6 He shal descend as rayne vpon a fleece: and as droppes distilling vpon the earth.
7 There shal rise in his dayes iustice, and aboundance of peace, vntil the moone be taken away.
8 And he shal rule from sea vnto sea: and from the riuer euen to the ends of the round world.
9 Before him shal the Æthiopians fal downe: and his enimies shal lick the earth.
10 The kinges of Tharsis, and the Ilands shal offer presentes: the kings of the Arabians, and of Saba shal bring giftes.
11 And al kinges of the earth shal adore him: al nations shal serue him.
12 Because he shal deliuer the poore from the mightie: and the poore which had no helper.
13 He shal spare the poore and needy: and he shal saue the soules of the poore.
14 From vsuries and iniquitie he shal redeme their soules: and their name shal be honorable before him.
15 And he shal liue, and there shal be giuen him of the gold of Arabia, and they shal adore it alwaies: al the day they shal blesse him.
16 And there shal be a firmament in the earth, in the toppes of mountanes, the fruite therof shal be extolled farre aboue Libanus: and they shal florish of the citie, as the grasse of the earth.
17 Be his name blessed for euer: before the sunne his name is permanent.
And al the tribes of the earth shal be blessed in him: al nations shal magnifie him.
18 Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel, who only doth meruelous thinges.
19 And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer: and al the earth shal be filled with his maiestie. Be it, be it.
20 The praises of Dauid, the sonne of Iesse are ended.