Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The Church founded and protected by God.
The 6. key.
God most, and euerie where laudable, is especially praised in the Church of Christ (prefigured by Sion, and there begunne) 9. Al thinges being fulfilled in the Church, euen as they were prophecied, and promised, 12. the faithful are exhorted to consider and congratulate the same.
1 A Psalme of Canticle to the sonnes of Core, the second of the Sabbath.
2 GREAT is our Lord, and to be praysed excedingly in the citie of our God, in his holie mount.
3 Mount Sion is founded with the exultation of the whole earth, the sides of the North, the citie of the great king.
4 God shal be knowen in the houses therof, when he shal receiue it.
5 For behold the kings of the earth were gathered together: they assembled in one.
6 They seing it so, were in admiration, were trubled, were moued: 7 trembling tooke them.
Their sorowes as a woman traueling, 8 In a vehement spirit thou shalt breake the shippes of Tharsis.
9 As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the citie of the Lord of hostes, in the citie of our God: God hath founded it for euer.
10 We have receiued thy mercie, ô God, in the middes of thy temple.
11 According to thy name ô God, so also is thy prayse vnto the endes of the earth: thy right hand is ful of iustice.
12 Let mount Sion be glad, and the daughters of Iuda reioyce, because of thy iudgmentes ô Lord
13 Compasse Sion, and embrace ye her: tel ye in her towers.
14 Set your hartes on her strength: and distribute ye her houses, that you may declare it in an other generation.
15 Because this is God, our God for euer, and for euer and euer: he shal rule vs euermore.