Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 To Dauid him selfe vnderstanding.
BLESSED are they, whose iniquities are forgeuen: and whose sinnes be couered.
2 Blessed is the man, to whom our Lord hath not imputed sinne, neither is there guile in his spirit.
3 Because I held my peace, my bones are inueterated, whiles I cried al the day.
4 Because day and night thy hand is made heauie vpon me: I am turned in my anguish, whiles the thorne is fastened.
5 I haue made my sinne knowen to thee: and my iniustice I haue not hid. I said: I wil confesse against me my iniustice to our Lord: and thou hast forgeuen the impietie of my sinne.
6 For this shal euerie holie one pray to thee, in time conuenient. But yet in the floud of manie waters, they shal not approche to him.
7 Thou art my refuge from tribulation, which hath compassed me: my exultation, deliuer me from them that compasse me.
8 I wil geue thee vnderstanding, and wil instruct thee in the way, that thou shalt goe; I wil fasten mine eies vpon thee.
9 Doe not become as horse and mule, which haue no vnderstanding. In bit and bridle binde fast their cheekes, that approch not to thee.
10 Manie are the scourges of a sinner, but him that hopeth in our Lord mercie shal compasse.
11 Be ioyful in our Lord and reioyse ye iust, and glorie al ye right of hart.