Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods excellencie in creating and gouerning the vvorld.
the 2. key.
God is also to be praised by his peculiar people, for particular benefites. 4 & for his omnipotent powre, wisdom, goodnes, in creating, and gouerning this whole world, 11. and most special benignitie towards those that trust in him.
1 Alleluia.
PRAYSE ye our Lord because Psalme is good: to our God let there be pleasant, and comelie praise.
2 Our Lord building vp Ierusalem: wil gather together the dispersions of Israel.
3 Who healeth the contrite of hart: and bindeth vp their sores.
4 Who numbereth the multitude of starres: and geueth names to them al.
5 Great is our Lord, and great is his strength: and of his wisdom there is no number.
6 Our Lord receiuing the meeke: & humbling sinners euen to the ground.
7 Sing ye to our Lord in confession: sing ye to our God on harpe.
8 Who couereth the heauen with cloudes: and prepareth rayne for the earth.
Who bringeth forth grasse in the mountaines: and herbe for the seruice of men.
9 Who geueth to beastes their foode: and to the young rauens that cal vpon him.
10 He shal not haue pleasure in the strength of an horse: nor in the legges of a man shal he be wel pleased.
11 Our Lord is wel pleased toward them that feare him: and in them, that hope vpon his mercie.