Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The meanes to be happie
the 7. key.
True happines consisteth in fearing God, keping his commandments, 5. and in doing workes of mercie. 10. The contrarie bringeth to miserie.
1 Alleluia, Of the returne of Aggeus, and Zacharie. BLESSED is the man that feareth our Lord: he shal haue great delight in his commandmentes.
2 His seede shal be mightie in the earth: the generation of the righteous shal be blessed,
3 Glorie, and riches in his house: and his iustice abideth for euer and euer.
4 Light is risen vp in darkenes to the righteous: he is merciful, and pitiful, and iust.
5 Acceptable is the man, that is merciful and lendeth, that shal dispose his wordes in iudgement:
6 Because he shal not be moued for euer.
7 The iust shal be in eternal memorie: he shal not feare at the hearing of euil.
8 His hart is readie to hope in our Lord, his hart is confirmed:
9 he shal not be moued til he looke ouer his enemies.
10 He distributed, he gaue to the poore: his iustice remaineth for euer and euer his horne shal be exalted in glorie.
11 The sinner shal see, and wil be angrie, he shal gnash his teeth and pine away: the desire of sinners shal perish.