Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Of vnderstanding to Ethan the Ezrahite.
2 THe mercies of our Lord I wil sing for euer. In generation and generation I wil shewe forth thy truth, in my mouth.
3 Because thou saidst: Mercie shal be built vp for euer in the heauens: thy truth shal be prepared in them.
4 I haue ordained a testament with mine elect, I haue sworne to Dauid my seruant:
5 for ever wil I prepare thy seede. And I wil build thy seat vnto generation and generation.
6 The heauens shal confesse thy meruelous workes ô Lord: yea and thy truth in the church of saintes.
7 For who in the cloudes shal be equal to our Lord: shal be like to God among the sonnes of God?
8 God, who is glorified in the counsel of saintes: great and terrible ouer al that are round about him.
9 O Lord God of hoastes who is like to thee? thou art mightie ô Lord, and thy truth round about thee.
10 Thou rulest ouer the powre of the sea: and the mouing of the waues therof thou doest mitigate.
11 Thou humbledst the proud one, as one wounded: in the arme of thy strength thou hast dispersed thine enimies.
12 The heauens are thine, and the earth is thine, the round earth, and the fulnes therof thou hast founded:
13 the north, and the sea thou hast created. Thabor and Hermon shal reioice in thy name:
14 thy arme is with might. Let thy hand be confirmed, and thy righthand exalted:
15 iustice and iudgement is the preparation of thy seat. Mercie and truth shal goe before thy face:
16 blessed is the people that knoweth iubiation. Lord they shal walke in the light of thy countinance,
17 and in thy name they shal reioyce al the day: and in thy iustice they shal be exalted.
18 Because thou art the glorie of their streingth: and in thy good pleasure shal our horne be exalted.
19 Because our protection is of our Lord: and of the holie one of Israel our king.
20 Then didst thou speake in vision to thy saintes, and saidst I haue put helpe on the mightie one: and haue exalted an elect one of my people.
21 I haue found Dauid my seruant: with myne holie oyle haue I anointed him.
22 For mine hand shal helpe him: and myne arme shal strengthen him.
23 The enimie shal nothing preuale in him: and the sonne of iniquitie shal not adde to hurt him.
24 And I wil cut downe his enimies before his face: and them that hate him I wil put to flight.
25 And my truth, and my mercie with him: and in my name shal his horne be exalted.
26 And I wil put his hand in the sea: and his righthand in the riuers.
27 He shal inuocate me: Thou art my Father: my God, and the protector of my saluation.
28 And I wil put him the firstbegotten, high aboue the kings of the earth.
29 I Wil kepe my mercie vnto him for euer: and my testament faithful to him.
30 I wil put his seed for euer and euer: and his throne as the daies of heauen.
31 But if his children shal forsake my lawe: and wil not walke in my Iudgements:
32 If they shal profane my iustices: and not kepe my commandmentes:
33 I wil visite their iniquities with a rod: and their sinnes with stripes:
34 But my mercie I wil not take away from him: neither wil I hurt in my truth:
35 Neither wil I profane my testament: and the words that procede from my mouth I wil not make frustrate
36 Once I haue sworne in my holie, if I lie to Dauid:
37 his seede shal continewe for euer.
38 And his throne as the Sunne in my sight, and as the Moone perfect for euer: and a faithful witnesse in heauen.
39 But thou hast repelled and dispised: thou hast differred thy Christ.
40 Thou hast ouerthrowne the testament of thy seruant: thou hast profaned his sanctuarie on the earth.
41 Thou hast destroyed al the hedges therof: thou hast made the firmament therof feare.
42 Al that passe by the way haue spoiled him: he is become a reproch to his neighbours.
43 Thou hast exalted the righthand of them that oppresse him: thou hast made al his enimies ioyful.
44 Thou hast turned away the helpe of his sword: and hast not holpen him in battel.
45 Thou hast destroied him from emundation: and his seat thou hast broken downe to the ground.
46 Thou hast lessened the daies of his time: thou hast ouerwhelmed him with confusion.
47 How long ô Lord doest thou turne away for euer: shal thy wrath burne as a fire?
48 Remember what my substance is: for hast thou made al the children of men in vaine?
49 Who is the man that shal liue, and shal not see death: shal deliuer his soule from the hand of hel?
50 Where are thyne old mercies ô Lord, as thou swarest to Dauid in thy truth?
51 Be mindeful ô Lord of the aeproch of thy seruantes (which I haue held in my bosome) of manie nations.
52 Which thine enimies haue reproched ô Lord, which they haue reproched the commutation of thy Christ.
53 Blessed be our Lord for euer: Be it, be it.