Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Dauid singeth prayses for benefites receiued.
the 8. key.
The royal prophet promiseth, 5. and rendereth praises to God, 7. for his deliuerie from trubles, and aduancement in the kingdom, 13. praying God stil to helpe mans infirmitie.
1 A Canticle of Psalme, to Dauid himselfe.
2 MY HART is readie ô God, my hart is readie: I wil chaunte, and wil sing in my glorie.
3 Arise my glorie, arise psalter, and harpe: I wil arise early.
4 I wil confesse to thee in peoples ô Lord: and I wil sing to thee in the Nations.
5 Because thy mercie is great aboue the heauens: and thy truth euen to the cloudes.
6 Be exalted aboue the heauens ô God, and thy glorie ouer al the earth:
7 that thy beloued may be deliuered. Saue with thy righthand, and heare me:
8 God spake in his holie: I wil reioyce, and wil diuide Sichem, and I wil mesure the vale of tabernacles.
9 Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine: and Ephraim the protection of my head. Iuda is my king:
10 Moab the potte of my hope. Vpon Idumea I wil extend my shoe: the strangers are made my freindes.
11 Who wil conduct me into a fensed citie? who wil conduct me into Idumea?
12 Wilt not thou ô God, which hast repelled vs, and wilt not thou goeforth ô God in our hoastes?
13 Geue vs helpe out of tribulation: because mans saluation is vayne.
14 In God we shal doe strength: and he wil bring our enemies to nothing.