Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The deliuered from captiuitie reioyce.
the 7. key.
Isralites released from captiuitie of Babylon, much more the blessed both of the old and new testament deliuered by Christ from captiuitie of sinne, do reioyce: 5. who neuertheles must passe through tribulation to eternal felicitie.
1 A gradual Canticle. VVHEN our Lord turned the captiuitie of Sion: we were made as men comforted.
2 Then was our mouth replenished with ioy: and our tongue with exultation. Then shal they say among the Gentiles: Our Lord hath done magnifically with them.
3 Our Lord hath done magnifically with vs: we are made ioyful.
4 Turne our captiuitie ô Lord, as a torrent in the South.
5 They that sow in teares, shal reape in ioyfulnesse.
6 Going they went and wept, casting their seedes.
7 But coming they shal come with exultation, carrying their sheaues.