Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Feare of God the vvay to happines.
the 7. key.
Happines both of this life and of the next, is obtayned by fearing, and sincerely seruing God.
1 A gradual Canticle. BLESSED are al that feare our Lord, that walke in his wayes.
2 Because thou shalt eate the labours of thy handes: blessed art thou, and it shal be wel with thee.
3 Thy wife as a fruitful vine, in the sides of thy house. Thy children as young plantes of oliuetrees, round about thy table.
4 Behold so shal the man be blessed, that feareth our Lord.
5 Our Lord out of Sion blesse thee: and that thou mayst see the good thinges of Ierusalem al the dayes of thy life. And that thou mayst see thy childrens children, peace vpon Israel.