Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods Maiestie excelleth al thinges.
the 1. key.
God is, and for euer ought to be praised, 3. for his immensiue, infinite, glorious Maiestie, meruelous workes, merciful benefites; for his powre, wisdom, iustice, 19. who wil reward the good, and destroy the wicked.
1 Praysing, to Dauid himselfe.
I Wil exalt thee my God the king: and I wil blesse thy name for euer, and for euer and euer.
2 Euerie day wil I blesse thee: and wil praise thy name for euer, and for euer and euer.
3 Great is our Lord and exceding laudable, and of his greatnes there is no end.
4 Generation and generation shal praise thy workes: and they shal pronounce thy powre.
5 They shal speake the magnificence of the glorie of thy holines: and shal tel thy meruelous workes.
6 And they shal tel the force of thy terrible thinges: and shal declare thy greatnes:
7 They shal vtter the memorie of the abundance of thy swetnes: and in thy iustice they shal reioyce.
8 Our Lord is pitiful and merciful: patient and very merciful.
9 Our Lord is sweete to al: and his commiserations are ouer al his workes.
10 Let al thy workes ô Lord confesse to thee: and let thy sainctes blesse thee.
11 They shal tel the glorie of thy kingdom: and shal speake thy might.
12 That they may make thy might knowne to the children of men: and the glorie of the magnificence of thy kingdom.
13 Thy kingdom is a kingdom of al worldes: and thy dominion in al generation and generation.
14 Our Lord is faithful in al his wordes: and holie in al his workes.
14 Our Lord lifteth vp al that fal: and setteth vp al that are bruised.
16 The eies of al hope in thee ô Lord: and thou geuest their meate in time conuenient.
17 Thou openest thy hand: and fillest euerie liuing creature with blessing.
18 Our Lord is iust in al his wayes: and holie in al his workes.
19 Our Lord is neere to al that inuocate him: to al that inuocate him in truth.
20 He wil doe the wil of them that feare him, and wil heare their prayer; and saue them.
21 Our Lord keepeth al that loue him: and he wil destroy al sinners.
22 My mouth shal speake the prayse of our Lord: and let al flesh blesse his holie name for euer, and for euer and euer.