Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christ beneficial Mysteries are celebrated by his Church.
the 7. key.
Faithful people collected in the Church of Christ, exhorte each other to render thankes to God, for their deliuerie from spiritual and temporal tribulations. 16. The Laitie demand participation of Christs Mysteries, promising to serue him duly: 25. which the Pastors freely impert, and together with the people, solemnely celebrate Gods praise.
1 Alleluia. CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good: because his mercie is for euer.
2 Let Israel now say that he is good: that his mercie is for euer.
3 Let the house of Aaron now say: that his mercie is for euer.
4 Let them now say which feare our Lord: that his mercie is for euer.
5 From triubulation I inuocated our Lord: and our Lord heard me in largenes.
6 Our Lord is my helper: I wil not feare what man can doe to me.
7 Our Lord is my helper: and I wil looke ouer mine enemies.
8 It is good to hope in our Lord, rather then to hope in man.
9 It is good to hope in our Lord, rather then to hope in princes.
10 Al nations haue compassed me: and in the name of our Lord am I reuenged on them.
11 Compassing they haue compassed me: and in the name of our Lord I was reuenged on them.
12 They compassed me as bees, and were inflamed as fyre in thornes: and in the name of our Lord I was reuenged on them.
13 Being thrust I was ouerturned to fal: and our Lord receiued me.
14 Our Lord is my strength, and my prayse: and he is made my saluation.
15 The voice of exultation, and of saluation in the tabernacles of the iust.
16 The right hand of our Lord hath wrought strength: the right hand of our Lord hath exalted me, the right hand of our Lord hath wrought strength.
17 I shal not die, but shal liue: and I wil tel the workes of our Lord.
18 Our Lord chastising hath chastised me: and to death he hath not deliuered me.
19 Open ye the gates of iustice to me, being entred into them I wil confesse to our Lord:
20 this is the gate of our Lord, the iust shal enter into it.
21 I wil confesse to thee because thou hast heard me: and art become my saluation.
22 The stone, which the builders reiected: the same is made into the head of the corner.
23 This was done by our Lord: and it is meruelous id our eies.
24 This is the day, which our Lord made: let vs reioice, and be glad therein.
25 O Lord saue me, ô Lord geue good successe: Blessed be he that cometh in the name of our Lord.
26 We haue blessed you of the house of our Lord:
27 our Lord is God, and he hath geuen light to vs. Appoint a solemne day with thicke bowes, euen to the horne of the altar.
28 Thou art my God, and I wil confesse to thee: thou art my God, and I wil exalt thee. I will confesse to thee because thou hast heard me: and art become my saluation.
29 Confesse ye to our Lord because he is good: becaus his mercie is for euer.