Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods perpetual prouidence towards al men.
The 3. key.
Againe the Psalmist inuiteth al men to render thankes to God for their deliuerie from dangers, or euils in general: 4. particularly from dangers in iorney, 10. in prison, or captiuitie, 17. in sicknes spiritual and corporal, 23. in nauigation, 33. describing the changeable course of thinges in this world, 38. especially of mens states; 42. for al which the iust wil praise God.
1 Allelu ia. CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good: because his mercie is for euer.
2 Let them say that are redemed of our Lord, whom he redemed out of the hand of the enemie: and out of the countries he gathered them:
3 From the rising of the sunne, and the going downe: from the north, and the sea.
4 They wandered in the wildernes, in a place without water: the way of citie for habitation they found not.
5 Hungrie, and thirstie: their soule fainted in them.
6 And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation: and he deliuered them out of their necessities.
7 And he conducted them in to the right way: to goe into a citie of habitation.
8 Let the mercies of our Lord co nfesse to him: and his meruelous workes to the children of men.
9 Because he hath filled the emptie soule: and the hungrie soule he hath filled with good thinges.
10 Them that sate in darkenes, and in the shadow of death: bound in needines, and yron.
11 Because they exasperated the wordes of God: and they prouoked the counsel of the Highest.
12 And their hart was humbled in labours: they were weakened, neither was there anie to helpe.
13 And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation: and he deliuered them out of their necessities.
14 And he brought them out of darkenes, and the shadow of death: and brake their bondes asunder.
15 Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him: and his meruelous workes to the children of men.
16 Because he hath destroyed the gates of brasse: and the barres of yron he hath broken.
17 He hath receiued them out of the way of their iniquitie: for they were humbled for their iniustices.
18 Their soule did abhorre al meate: & they approched euen to the gates of death.
19 And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation: and he deliuered them out of their necessities.
20 He sent his word, and healed them: and deliuered them out of their destructions.
21 Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him: and his meruelous workes to the children of men.
22 And let them sacrifice the sacrifice of praise: and shew forth his workes in exulation.
33 They that goe downe into the sea in shippes, making trafike in the great waters.
24 They haue sene the workes of our Lord, and his meruelous thinges in the depth.
25 He sayd, and the blast of the storme stood: and the waues therof were exalted
26 They ascend euen to the heauens, and they descend euen to the depthes: their soule pyned away in euils.
27 They were trubled, and were moued as a drunken man: and al their wisedom was deuoured.
28 And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation, and he brought them out of their necessities.
29 And he turned his storme into calme: and the waues therof were quiet.
30 And they reioyced because they were quiet: and he conducted them into the hauen of their wil.
31 Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him: and his meruelous workes to the children of men.
32 And let them exalt him in the church of the people: and the chayre of the ancientes let them praise him.
33 He turned the riuers into a desert: and the issues of waters into drinesse.
34 The fruiteful land into a salt ground, for the malice of them that inhabite it.
35 He turned the desert into pooles of waters: and the land without water into issues of waters.
36 And he placed the hungrie there, and they built a citie of habitation.
37 And they sowed fildes, and planted vineyardes: and they made fruicte of natiuitie.
38 And he blessed them, and they were multiplied excedingly: and their beastes he lessened not.
39 And they were made fewe: and were vexed by the tribulation of euiles, and with sorow.
40 Contempt was powred our vpon princes: and he made them wander where was no way, and not in the way.
41 And he did helpe the poore out of pouertie: and made families as sheepe.
42 The iust shal see, and shal reioyce: & al iniquitie shal stoppe her mouth.
43 Who is wife and wil keepe these thinges? and wil vnderstand the mercies of our Lord?