Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The fourth penitential Psalme.
The 7. key.
King Dauid in great sorow for his sinnes of adultrie and murder, most seriously prayeth God of his manifold mercies to remitte and purge al his offences, and paines due for them. 12. to restore vnto him the grace of the Holie Ghost, lost by his sinnes; 15. that he may teach others (as in deede his singular example may teach the whole world true penance) 19. contrition of hart, worthely to offer sacrifice, for the whole Church.
1 Vnto the end, a Psalme of Dauid, 2 when Nathan the Prophet came to him, after that he had sinned with Bethsabee. (2. Reg. 12.)
3 HAVE mercie on me ô God, according to thy great mercie. And according to the multitude of thy commiserations, take away myne iniquitie.
4 Wash me more amply from mine iniquitie: & cleanse me from my sinne.
5 Because I do know myne iniquitie, and my sinne is before me alwaies.
6 To thee onely haue I sinned, and haue done euil before thee: that thou mayst be iustified in thy words, and mayst ouercome when thou art iudged.
7 For behold I was conceiued in iniquities; & my mother conceiued me in sinnes.
8 For behold thou hast loued truth: the vncertaine, and hidden thinges of thy wisdome thou hast made manifest to me.
9 Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssope, and I shal be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shal be made whiter then snow.
10 To my hearing thou shalt geue ioy and gladnes, and the bones humbled shal reioyce.
11 Turne away thy face from my sinnes: and wipe away al mine iniquities.
12 Create a cleane hart in me ô God: and renew a right spirit in my bowels.
13 Cast me not away from thy face: and thy Holie spirit take not from me.
14 Render vnto me the ioy of thy saluation and confirme me with the principal spirit,
15 I wil teach the vniust thy waies: and the impious shal be conuerted to thee.
16 Deliuer me from bloudes O God, the God of my saluation: and my tongue shal exult [for] thy iustice.
17 Lord, thou wilt open my lippes: & my mouth shal shew forth thy prayse.
18 Because if thou wouldest haue had sacrifice, I had verily giuen it: with holocaustes thou wilt not be delighted.
19 A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: a contrite, and humbled hart, ô God thou wilt not despise.
20 Deale fauorably ô Lord in thy good wil with Sion: that the walles of Ierusalem may be built vp.
21 Then shalt thou accept sacrifice of iustice, oblations, & holocaustes: then shal they lay calues vpon thyne altar.