Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


King Dauids thankes for victories.
the 8. key.
King Dauid after his owne and the peoples manie tribulations, 8. rendereth thankes for their renowmed victories, 11. atchiued by Gods only powre.
1 Vnto the end, for them, that shal be changed, in the inscription of the title to Dauid him selfe, for doctrine, 2 when he set fire on Mesopotamia of Syria, and in Sobal, and Ioab returned, and stroke Idumæa in the valley of saltpittes twelue thousand. (2. Reg. 8. & 10. & 1. Paral. 18.
3 O GOD thou hast repelled vs, & hast destroyed vs: thou wast angrie and hast had mercie on vs.
4 Thou hast moued the earth, and hast trubled it: heale the breaches thereof, because it is moued.
5 Thou hast shewed vnto thy people hard thinges: thou hast made vs drinke the wine of compunction.
6 Thou hast geuen a signification to them that feare thee: they flee from the face of the bow.

7 That thy beloued may be deliuered, saue me with thy right hand; and heare me.
8 God hath spoken in his holie: I shal reioyce, and shal diuide Sichem: and shal mesure the valley of tabernacles.
9 Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine: and Ephraim the strength of my heade.
10 Iuda my king: Moab the pot of my hope.
Into Edom wil I stretch out my shoe: the foreners are subiect to me.
11 Who shal conduct me into a fensed citie? who shal conduct me euen into Idumea?
12 Shal not thou ô God, that hast expelled vs: and wilt not thou ô God goe forth in our hostes?
13 Giue us aide from tribulation: because mans saluation is vaine.
14 In God we shal doe strength: and he shal bring to nothing them that afflict vs.