Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Thankes to God for benefites.
the 7. key.
The whole Church, or anie iust person, rendreth thankes to God for his benefites 4. praying that al kinges and kingdomes may do the same, 4. because God being high respecteth, and aduanceth the humble.
1 To Dauid him self. I wil confesse to thee ô Lord in my whole hart: because thou hast heard the wordes of my mouth. In the sight of Angels I wil sing to thee:
2 I wil adore toward thy holie temple, and wil confesse to thy name. For thy mercie, and thy truth: because thou hast magnified aboue euerie thing thy holie name.
3 In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee, heare me: thou wilt multiplie strength in my soule.
4 Let al the kinges of the earth ô Lord confesse to thee: because they haue heard al the wordes of thy mouth:
5 And let them sing in the wayes of our Lord: because great is the glorie of our Lord.
6 Because our Lord is high, and he beholdeth low thinges: and high thinges he knoweth far of.
7 If I shal walke in the middes of tribulation, thou wilt quicken: and vpon the wrath of mine enimies thou hast extended thy hand, and thy right hand hath saued me.
8 Our Lord wil repay for me: ô Lord thy mercie is for euer: despise not the workes of thy handes.