Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christs Incarnation.
The 5. key.
God is magnified & praised for his meruelous worke of creatures, 5. but especially of mankind, singularly exalted by the Incarnation of Christ.
1 Vnto the end for presses, the Psalme of Dauid.
2 O LORD our Lord, how meruelous is thy name in the whole earth! Because thy magnificence is eleuated, aboue the heauens.
3 Out of the mouth of infantes and sucklinges, thou hast perfected praise because of thine enemies, that thou mayest destroy the enemie and reuenger.
4 Because I shal see thy heauens, the workes of thy fingers: the moone and the starres, which thou hast founded.
5 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the sonne of man, that thou visitest him?
6 Thou hast minished him a litle lesse then Angels; with glorie and honour thou hast crowned him:
7 and hast appointed him ouer the worke of thy handes.
8 Thou hast subiected al thinges vnder his feete, al sheepe and oxen: moreouer also the beastes of the field.
9 The birdes of the ayre, and fishes of the sea; that walke the pathes of the sea.
10 O Lord our Lord, how meruelous is thy name in the whole earth!