Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods special benefites towards the Iewes.
the 4. key.
The Israelites are exhorted to sing praises to God, 5. for his meruelous benefites towards Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob. 11. whose particular familie, being then smal, went from Chanaan into Ægypt (17. whither Ioseph by Gods prouidence was caried before) there increased in number, was persecuted, 26. deliuered by Moyses and Aaron, working manie great miracles, 36. protected, and fedde in the desert, 44. and finally possessed Chanaan.
1 Alleluia. CONFESSE ye to our Lord, and inuocate his name: shewforth his workes among the Gentiles.
2 Chaunt to him, and sing to him: tel ye al his meruelous workes.
3 Prayse ye him in his holie name: let the hart of them reioice that seeke our Lord.
4 Seeke ye our Lord, and be confirmed: seeke his face alwayes.
5 Remember ye his meruelous workes, which he hath done: his wonders, and the iudgments of his mouth.
6 The seede of Abraham, his seruantes: the children of Iacob his elect.
7 He is the Lord our God: in al the earth are his iudgementes.
8 He hath bene mindeful for euer of his testament; of the word, which he commanded vnto a thousand generations.
9 Which he disposed to Abraham: and of his oath to Isaac.
10 And he appointed it to Iacob for a precept: and to Israel for an eternal testament.
11 Saying: To thee wil I geue the land of Chanaan, the corde of your inheritance.
12 When they were of smal number, very few and seiourners therof:
13 And they passed from nation into nation, & from kingdom to an other people.
14 He leift not a man to hurt them: and he rebuked kings for their sake.
15 Touch not my annointed, and toward my prophetes be not malignant.
16 And he called a famine vpon the land: and he destroyed al the strength of bread.
17 He sent a man before them: Ioseph was sold to be a seruant.
18 They humbled his feete in fetters, yron passed through his soule,
19 vntil his word came. The word of our Lord inflamed him:
20 the king sent, and loosed him; the prince of the people, and released him.
21 He appointed him lord of his house: and prince of al his possession.
22 That he might instruct his princes as himselfe: and might teach his ancientes wisedom.
23 And Israel entered into Ægypt, and Iacob was a seiourner in the land of Cham.
24 And he increased his people excedingly: and strengthned them ouer their enemies.
25 He turned their hart, that they hated his people: and to worke guile toward his seruantes.
26 He sent Moyses his seruant: Aaron, him selfe whom he chose.
27 He did put in them the wordes of his signes, and of his wonders in the Land of Cham.
28 He sent darkenes, and obscured: and did not exasperate his wordes.
29 He turned their waters into bloud: and killed their fishes.
30 Their land broughtforth frogges in the inner chambers of their kinges.
31 He sayd, and the cænomyia came: and the cinifes in al their coastes.
32 He made theyr raynes haile: fire burning in their land.
33 And he stroke their vines, and their figtrees: and he destroyed the wood of their coastes.
34 He said, & the locust came, and the bruchus wherof there was no number.
35 And it did eate al the grasse in their land: and it did eate al the fruicte of their land.
36 And he stroke euerie first begotten in their land: the first fruictes of al their labour.
37 And he brought themforth with gold and siluer, and there was not in their tribes a feeble person.
38 Ægypt was glad at their departure: because the feare of them lay vpon them.
39 He spred a cloude for their protection, and fire to shine vnto them by night.
40 They made petition, and the quaile came: and he filled them with the bread of heauen.
41 He diuided the rocke, and waters flowed: riuers ranne in the drie ground.
42 Because he was mindful of his holie word, which he had vttered to Abraham his seruant.
43 And he broughtforth his people in exultation, and his elect in ioy.
44 And he gaue them the countries of the Nations: and they possessed the labours of peoples:
45 That they might keepe his iustifications, and seeke after his lawe.