Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 A Psalme to Dauid him self.
HAVE no emulation toward the malignant: neither enuie them that doe iniquitie.
2 Because they shal quickely wither as grasse: and as the blossomes of herbes they shal soone fal.
3 Hope in our Lord and doe good: and inhabite the land, and thou shalt be fed in the riches thereof.
4 Be delighted in our Lord: and he wil geue thee the petitions of thy hart.
5 Reuele thy way to our Lord, and hope in him: and he wil doe it.
6 And he wil bring forth thy iustice as light: and thy iudgement as midday:
7 be subiect to our Lord, and pray him. Haue no emulation in him, that prospereth in his way: in a man that doth iniustices.
8 Cease from wrath, and leaue furie: haue not emulation that thou be malignant.
9 Because they that are malignant, shal be cast out: but they that expect our Lord, the same shal inherite the land.
10 And yet a litle while, and the sinner shal not be: and thou shalt seeke his place, and shal not find it.
11 But the meeke shal inherite the land, and shal be delighted in multitude of peace.
12 The sinner shal obserue the iust: and shal gnash vpon him with his teeth.
13 But our Lord shal scorne him: because he foreseeth that his day shal come.
14 Sinners haue drawen out the sword; they haue bent their bowe; That they may deceiue the poore and needie: that they may murder the right of hart.
15 Let their owne swordes enter into their hartes: and let their bowe be broken.
16 Better is a litle to the iust, aboue much riches of sinners.
17 Because the armes of sinners shal be broken in pieces: but our Lord comfirmeth the iust.
18 Our Lord knoweth the daies of the immaculate: and their inheritance shal be for euer.
19 They shal not be confounded in the euil time, and in the dayes of famine they shal be filled:
20 because the sinners shal perish. But the enemies of our Lord forthwith as they shal be honoured and exalted, vanishing shal vanish as smoke.
21 The sinner shal borrow, and not pay: but the iust is merciful and wil geue.
22 Because they that blesse him shal inherite the land: but they that curse him shal perish.
23 With our Lord the steppe of man shal be directed: and he shal like wel of his way.
24 When he shal fal, he shal not be brused: because our Lord putteth his hand vnder.
25 I haue bene yong, for I am old: and I haue not sene the iust forsaken, nor his seede seeking bread.
26 Al the day he is merciful and lendeth: and his seede shal be in blessing.
27 Decline from euil, and doe good: and inhabite for euer and euer.
28 Because our Lord loueth iudgement, and he wil not forsake his sainctes: they shal be preserued for euer. The vniust shal be punished: and the seede of the impious shal perish.
29 But the iust shal inherite the land: and shal inhabite for euer and euer vpon it.
30 The mouth of the iust shal meditate wisedome, and his tong shal speake iudgement.
31 The law of his God in his hart: and his steppes shal not be supplanted.
32 The sinner considereth the iust: and seeketh to murder him.
33 But our Lord wil not leaue him in his handes: neither wil he condemne him, when iudgement shal be geuen of him.
34 Expect our Lord, and keepe his way: and he wil exalt thee, that thou mayst inherite the land: when the sinners shal perish thou shalt see.
35 I haue seene the impious highly exalted, and aduanced as the ceders of Libanus.
36 And I passed by, and behold he was not: and I sought him, and his place was not found.
37 Keepe innocencie, and see equitie: because there are remaynes for the peaceable man.
38 But the vniust shal perish together: the remaines of the impious shal perish.
39 But the saluation of the iust is of our Lord: and he is their potector in the time of tribulation.
40 And our Lord wil helpe them, and deliuer them: and he wil take them away from sinners, and saue them: because they haue hoped in him.