Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christs afflictions and victorie. the 5. key. Christ in middes of afflictions (as one in dangerous waters) 5. describing the malice of persecutors, and his owne true zele, 14. prayeth his heauenlie Father for helpe. 23. By way of iust imprecation, forsheweth the seuere punishment of his aduersaries, 30. his owne glorious Resurrection, and prosperous building of his Church. For which he inuiteth al creatures to praise God.
1 Vnto the end, for them that shal be changed, to Dauid.
2 SAVE me ô God: because waters are entered innto my soule.
3 I sticke fast in the myre of the depth: and there is no sure standing.
I am come into the depth of the sea: and a tempest hath ouerwhelmed me.
4 I haue labored crying, my iawes are made hoarse: my eies haue failed, whiles I hope in my God.
5 They are multiplied aboue the heares of my head, that hate me without cause.
Mine enimies are made strong, that haue persecuted me vniustly: then did I pay the thinges that I tooke not.
6 O God thou knowest my foolishnes: and mine offences are not hide from thee.
7 Let them not be ashamed vpon me, which expect thee ô Lord, Lord of hostes.
Let them not be confounded vpon me that seeke thee, ô God of Israel.
8 Because for thee haue I sustained reproch, confusion hath couered my face.
9 I am become a forener to my brethren, and a stranger to the sonnes of my mother.
10 Because the zele of thy house hath eaten me: and the reproches of them that reproched thee, fel vpon me.
11 And I couered my soule in fasting: and it was made a reproch to me.
12 And I put heare cloth my garment, & I became a parable to them.
13 They spake aganst me that sat in the gate; and they soong aganst me that dranke wine.
14 But I, my prayer to thee ô Lord: a time of thy good pleasure ô God.
In the multitude of thy mercie heare me, in the truth of thy saluation:
15 Deliuer me out of the myre, that I stick not fast: deliuer me from them that hate me, and from the depthes of waters.
16 Let not the tempest of water drowne me, nor the depth swallowe me: neyther let the pit shut his mouth vpon me.
17 Heare me ô Lord because thy mercie is benigne: according to the multitude of thy commiserations haue respect to me.
18 And turne not away thy face from thy seruant: because I am in tribulation, heare me speedily.
19 Attend to my soule and, deliuer it: because of mine enimies deliuer me.
20 Thou knowest my reproch, & my confusion, & my shame.
21 In thy sight are al they that afflict me, my hart hath looked for reproch and miserie.
And I expected some bodie that would be sorie together with me, and there was none: and that would confort me, and I founde not.
22 And they gaue gal for my meate: & in my thirst they gaue me vinegre to drinke.
23 Let their table be made a snare before them, & for retributions, and for a scandal.
24 Let Their eies be darkned that they see not: and make their backe crooked alwaies.
25 Poure out thy wrath vpon them: and let the furie of thy wrath ouertake them.
26 Let their habitation be made desert: and in their tabernacles let there be none to dwel.
27 Because whom thou hast striken, they haue persecuted: and vpon the sorrow of my wounds they haue added.
28 Adde thou iniquitie vpon their iniquitie: and let them not enter into thy iustice.
29 Let them be put out of the booke of the liuing: and with the iust let them not be written.
30 I am poore and sorowful: thy saluation ô God hath receiued me.
31 I wil praise the name of God with canticle: and wil magnifie him in prayse.
32 And it shal please God more then a young calfe: that bringeth forth hornes and hoofes.
33 Let the poore see and reioyce: seeke ye God, and your soule shal liue.
34 Because our Lord hath heard the poore: and he hath not despised his prisoners.
35 Let the heauens and earth praise him, the sea, and al the creeping beastes in them.
36 Because God wil saue Sion: and the cities of Iuda shal be built vp.
And they shal inhabite there, & by inheritance they shal get it.
37 And the seede of his seruants shal possesse it, and they that loue his name shal dwel in it.