Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods special prouidence of his seruantes.
the 3. key.
Gods knowledge, 7. and presence (10. without the helpe, or hinderance anie thing) extendeth to al thinges, times, and places. 17, he geueth exceding great honour to his sainctes, 20, the wicked, as enimies to God are iustly hated, 23. the iust pray for Gods perpetual direction.
1 Vnto the end, a Psalme of Dauid. LORD thou hast proued me, and hast knowen me:
2 thou hast knowen my sitting downe, and my rising vp.
3 Thou hast vnderstood my cogitations far of: my path, and my corde thou hast searched out.
4 And thou hast foresene al my wayes: because there is not a word in my tongue.
5 Behold ô Lord thou hast knowen al the last thinges, & them of old: thou hast formed me, and hast put thy hand vpon me.
6 Thy knowledge is become meruelous of me: it is made great, and I can not reach to it.
7 Whither shal I goe from thy spirit? and whither shal I flee from thy face?
8 If I shal ascend into heauen, thou art there: if I descend into hel, thou art present.
9 If I shal take my winges early, and dwel in the extreme partes of the sea:
10 Certes thither also shal thy hand conduct me: and thy right hand shal hold me.
11 And I sayd: Perhaps darknes shal treade ouer me: and the night is mine illumination in my delightes.
12 For darkenes shal not be darkened from thee, and the night shal be lightened as the day: as the darkenes therof, so also the light therof.
13 Because thou hast possessed my reynes: thou hast receiued me from my mothers wombe.
14 I wil confesse to thee, because thou art terribly magnified: thy workes are meruelous, & my soule knoweth excedingly.
15 My bone is not hid from thee, which thou madest in secrete: and my substance in the lower pattes of the earth.
16 Mine imperfection thine eies haue sene, & in thy booke al shal be written: daies shal be formed, & no man in them.
17 But to me thy frendes ô God are become honorable excedingly: their principalitie is excedingly strengthned.
18 I wil number them, and they shal be multiplied aboue the sand: I rose vp and I am yet with thee.
19 If thou shalt kil sinners ô God: ye men of blood depart from me.
20 Because you say in thought: they shal receiue thy cities in vayne.
21 Did not I hate them, that hate thee ô Lord: and pyned away because of thine enemies?
22 with perfect hatred did I hate them: they are become enemies to me.
23 Proue me ô God, and know my hart: examine me, and know my pathes.
24 And see, if the way of iniquitie be in me: and conduct me in the euerlasting way.