Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


King Dauid praiseth God for his victories.
the 8. key.
The royal Prophet thanketh God, for al his victories, and possession of the kingdom. 3. Admiring Gods benignitie towards man, 5. prayeth to be stil defended from al enimies, 9. promiseth a new songue of prayse, 11. describeth the vanitie of worldlie men, 15. concluding that true felicitie is in seruing God.
1 A Psalme of Dauid, against Goliath.
BLESSED be our Lord my God, who teacheth my handes to battel; and my fingers to warre.
2 My mercie, and my refuge: my defender, and my deliuerer.
My protectour, and I haue hoped in him, who subdeweth my people vnder me.
3 Lord what is man, that thou art made knowne to him? or the sonne of man, that thou estemest him?
4 Man is made like to vanitie: his dayes passe as a shadow.
5 Lord incline thy heauens, and descend: touch the mountaynes, and they wil smoke.
6 Lighten lightening, and thou shalt disperse them: shoote out thine arrowes, and thou shalt destroy them.
7 Send forth thy hand from on high, take me out, and deliuer me from manie waters: from the hand of children strangers.
8 Whose mouth hath spoken vanitie: and their right hand is the right hand of iniquitie.
9 O God I wil sing to thee a new song: in the psalter of ten stringes, I wil sing to thee.
10 Who geuest saluation to kinges: who hast redemed Dauid thy seruant from the malignant sword: 11 deliuer me.
And rescue me out of the hand of children strangers, whose mouth hath spoken vanitie: and their right hand, is the right hand of iniquitie.
12 Whose sonnes, are as new plantes in their youth.
Their daughters comly trimmed: decked about after the similitude of a temple.
13 Their storehouses ful, flowing out of this into that.
Their ewes ful of yong, abunding in their going forth: 14 their oxen are fatte.
There is no ruine of wal, nor passage, nor crie in their streates.
15 They haue said, that it is a happie people, which hath these things: blessed is the people, whose God is our Lord.