Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The Israelites often sinned, and were mercifully punished
the 4. key.
The prophet exhorteth the people to render thankes and praises to God, 6. for remitting their manifold sinnes, in the desert. 34. and in the conquered land: 38: foreshewing like sinnes to come, Gods wrath and punishment for the same. 44 and that he wil geue grace of repentance: to some 47. for which he prayeth, and praiseth God.
1 Alleluia. CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer.
2 Who shal speake the powers of our Lord, shal make al his prayses to be heard?
9 Blessed are they, that keepe iudgement, and doe iustice at al time.
4 Remember vs ô Lord in the good pleasure of thy people: visite vs in thy saluation:
5 To see in the goodnes of thyne elect, to reioyce in the ioy of thy nation: that thou maist be praysed with thine inheritance.
6 We haue sinned with our fathers: we haue dealt vniustly, we haue done iniquitie.
7 Our fathers in Ægypt did not vnderstand thy meruelous workes: they were not mindeful of the multitude of thy mercie. And they prouoked thee to wrath going vp vnto the sea, the Read sea.
8 And he saued them for his name sake; that he might make his power knowen.
9 And he rebuked the Read sea, and it was made drie: and he led them in the depths as in a desert.
10 And he saued them from the hand of them that hated them: and he redemed them out of the hand of the enemie.
11 And water ouerwhelmed those that afflicted them: there did not one of them remaine.
12 And they beleued his wordes: and they sang his praise.
13 They had quickly donne, they forgot his workes: and they expected not his counsel.
14 And they coueted concupiscence in the desert: and tempted God in the place withoutwater.
15 He gaue them their petition: and sent saturitie into their soules.
16 And they prouoked Moyses in the campe: Aaron the holie of our Lord.
17 The earth was opened, and swalowed Dathan: and ouerwhelmed the congregation of Abiron.
18 And a fire flamed vp in their sinagogue: the flame burnt the sinners.
19 And they made a calfe in Horeb: and they adored the sculptil.
20 And they changed their glorie into the similitude of a calfe that eateth grasse.
21 They forgat God, which saued them, which did great thinges in Ægypt,
22 meruelous thinges in the land of Cham, terrible thinges in the Read sea.
23 And he sayd to destroy them: if Moyses his elect had not stood in the way before him: To turne away his wrath that he should not destroy them:
24 and they estemed for naught the land that was to be desired. They did not beleue his word,
25 and they murmured in their tabernacles: they heard not the voice of our Lord.
26 And he lifted vp his hand ouer them: to ouerthrowe them in the desert:
27 And to cast doune their seede among the Nations: and to disperse them in the countries.
28 And they were professed to Beelphegor: and they did eate the sacrifices of the dead.
29 And they prouoked him in their inuentions: and ruine was multiplied on them.
30 And Phinees stood, and pacified: and the slaughter ceased.
31 And it was reputed to him vnto iustice, in generation and generation euen for euer.
32 And they prouoked him at the waters of contradiction: and Moyses was vexed for them:
33 because they exasperated his spirit. And he playnely affirmed in his lippes:
34 they destroyed not the nations, of which our Lord spake to them.
35 And they were mingled among the nations, and learned their workes:
36 and they serued their sculptils: and it became a scandal to them.
37 And they immolated their sonnes, and their daugheters to diuels.
38 And they shed innocent bloud: the bloud of their sonnes and of their daughters, which they sacrificed to the sculptils of Chanaan. And the land was infected with bloud,
39 and was contaminated in their workes: and they did fornicat in their inuentions.
40 And our Lord was wrath with furie vpon his people: and he abhorred his inheritance.
41 And he deliuered them into the handes of the nations: and they that hated them, had the dominion of them.
42 And their enimies afflicted them: and they were humbled vnder their handes:
43 he did often deliuer them. But they exasperated him in their counsel: and they were humbled in their iniquities.
44 And he saw when they were afflicted: and he heard their prayer.
45 And he was mindeful of his testament: and it repented him according to the multitude of his mercie.
46 And he gaue them into mercies in the sight of al, that had taken them.
47 Saue vs ô Lord our God: and geather vs out of the Nations: That we may confesse to thy holie name: & may glorie in thy prayse.
48 Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel from euerlasting vnto euerlasting: and al the people shal say: Be it, be it.