Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Perfect iustice is in keping Gods law.
the 7. key.
A perpetual recommendation of the singular excellencie, absolute necessitie, and eternal heauenlie profite of Gods law: with frequent aspirations to perfection, hatred of sinne, loue of vertue, and feruent desire to rest in God.
1 Alleluja. BLESSED are the immaculate in the way: which walke in the law of our Lord.
2 Blessed are they, that search his testimonies: that seeke after him with al their hart.
3 For they that worke iniquitie, haue not walked in his waies.
4 Thou hast very much commanded thy commandmentes to be kept.
5 Would God my waies might be directed, to keepe thy iustifications.
6 Then shal I not be confounded, when I shal looke throughly in al thy commandmentes.
7 I wil confesse to thee in direction of hart: in that I haue lerned the iudgements of thy iustice.
8 I wil keepe thy iustifications: forsake me not wholy.
9 Wherein doth a yongman correct his way? in keeping thy wordes.
10 With my whole hart I haue sought after thee: repel me not from thy commandmentes.
11 In my hart I haue hid thy wordes: that I may not sinne to thee.
12 Blessed art thou ô Lord: teach me thy iustifications.
13 In my lippes, I haue pronounced al the iudgementes of thy mouth.
14 I am delighted in the way of thy testimonies, as in al riches.
15 I wil be exercised in thy commandmentes: and I wil consider thy waies.
16 I wil meditate in thy iustifications: I wil not forget thy wordes.
17 Render to thy seruant, quicken me: and I shal keepe thy wordes.
18 Reuele mine eies: and I shal consider the meruelous thinges of thy law.
19 I am a seiourner in the land, hide not thy commandmentes from me.
20 My soule hath coueted to desire thy iustifications, at al time.
21 Thou hast rebuked the prowde: cursed are they that decline from thy commandmentes.
22 Take from me reproch, and contempt: because I haue sought after thy testimonies.
23 For princes sate, and they spake against me: but thy seruant was exercised in thy iustifications.
24 For both thy testimonies are my meditation: and thy iustifications my counsel.
25 My soule hath cleaued to the pauement: quicken me according to thy word.
26 I haue vttered my wayes, and thou hast heard me: teach me thy iustifications.
27 Instruct me the way of thy iustifications: and I shal be exercised in thy meruelous workes.
28 My soule hath slumbered for tediousnes: confirme me in thy wordes.
29 Remoue from me the way of iniquitie: and according to thy law, haue mercie on me.
30 I haue chosen the way of truth: I haue not forgotten thy iudgements.
31 I haue cleaued to thy testimonies ô Lord: do not confound me.
32 I ranne the way of thy commandments: when thou didst dilate my hart.
33 Set me a law ô Lord the way of thy iustifications: and I wil seeke after it alwayes.
34 Geue me vnderstanding, and I wil search thy law: and I wil keepe it with my whole hart.
35 Conduct me into the path of thy commandments: because I would it.
36 Incline my hart into thy testimonies: and not into auarice.
37 Turne away mine eies that they see not vanitie: and in thy way quicken me.
38 Establish thy word to thy seruant, in thy feare.
39 Take away my reproch, which I haue feared: because thy iudgements are pleasant.
40 Behold I haue coueted thy commandments: in thine equitie quicken me.
41 And let thy mercie come vpon me ô Lord: thy saluation according to thy word.
42 And I shal answer a word to them that vpbrayde me: because I haue hoped in thy wordes.
43 And take not away out of my mouth the word of truth vtterly: because I haue much hoped in thy iudgementes.
44 And I wil keepe thy law alwayes: for euer, and for euer and euer.
45 And I walked in largenesse: because I haue sought after thy commandments.
46 And I spake of thy testimonies in the sight of kinges: and was not confounded.
47 And I meditated in thy commandments, which I loued.
48 And I haue lifted vp my handes to thy commandments, which I loued: and I was exercised in thy iustifications.
49 Be mindeful of thy word to thy seruant, wherein thou hast geuen me hope.
50 This hath comforted me in my humiliation: because thy word hath quickened me.
51 The prowd did vniustly excedingly: but I declined not from thy law.
52 I haue bene mindful of thy iudgements from euerlasting ô Lord: and was comforted.
53 Faynting possessed me, because of sinners forsaking thy law.
54 Thy iustifications were songue by me, in the place of my peregrination.
55 I haue bene mindful in the night of thy name ô Lord: and haue kept thy law.
56 This was done to me: because I sought after thy iustifications.
57 My portion ô Lord, I sayd to keepe thy law.
58 I besought thy face, with al my hart: haue mercie on me according to thy word.
59 I thought vpon my wayes: and conuerted my feete vnto thy testimonies.
60 I am prepared, and am not trubled: to keepe thy commandments.
61 The cordes of sinners haue wrapped me round about: and I haue not forgotten thy law.
62 At midnight I rose to confesse to thee, for the iudgements of thy iustification.
63 I am partaker of al that feare thee: and that keepe thy commandments.
64 The earth ô Lord is ful of thy mercie: teach me thy iustifications.
65 Thou hast done bountie with thy seruant ô Lord: according to thy word.
66 Teach me goodnesse, and discipline, and knowledge: because I haue beleued thy commandments.
67 Before I was humbled I offended: therfore haue I kept thy word.
68 Thou art good: and in thy goodnesse teach me thy iustifications.
69 The iniquitie of the prowd is multiplied vpon me: but I in al my hart wil search thy commandments.
70 Their hart is crudded together as milke: but I haue meditated thy law.
71 It is good for me that thou hast humbled me: that I may learne thy iustifications.
72 The law of thy mouth is good vnto me, aboue thousands of gold, and siluer.
73 Thy handes haue made me, and formed me: geue me vnderstanding, and I wil learne thy commandmentes.
74 They that feare thee shal see me, & shal reioyce: because I haue much hoped in thy wordes.
75 I know ô Lord that thy iudgements are equitie: and in thy truth thou hast humbled me.
76 Let thy mercie be done to comfort me, according to thy word vnto thy seruant.
77 Let thy commiserations come to me, and I shal liue: because thy law is my meditation.
78 Let the prowde be confounded, because they haue done vniustly toward me: but I wil be exercised in thy commandments.
79 Let them be conuerted to me that feare thee: and that know thy testimonies.
80 Let my hart be made immaculate in thy iustifications, that I be not confounded.
81 My soule hath fainted for thy saluation: and I haue much hoped in thy word.
82 Myne eies haue fayled for thy word, saying: When wilt thou comfort me?
83 Because I am made as a bottel in the hoare frost: I haue not forgotten thy iustifications.
84 How manie are the daies of thy seruant: when wilt thou doe iudgement on them that persecute me?
85 The vniust haue told me fables: but not as thy law.
86 Al thy commandmentes are truth: they haue vniustly persecuted me, helpe me.
87 They haue welnere made an end of me in the earth: but I haue not forsaken thy commandments.
88 According to thy mercie quicken me: and I shal keepe the testimonies of thy mouth.
89 For euer Lord thy word is permanent in heauen.
90 Thy truth in generation and generation: thou hast founded the earth, and it is permanent.
91 By thy ordinance the day contineweth: because al thinges serue thee.
92 But that thy law is my meditation: I had then perhaps perished in my humiliation.
93 I wil not forget thy iustifications for euer: because in them thou hast quickned me.
94 I am thine, saue me: because I haue sought out thy iustifications.
95 Sinners haue expected me to destroy me: I vnderstood thy testimonies.
96 Of al consummation I haue sene the end: thy commandment is exceding large.
97 How haue I loued thy law ô Lord! al the day it is my meditation.
98 Aboue mine enemies thou hast made me wise by thy commaundment: because it is to me for euer.
99 Aboue al that taught me haue I vnderstood: because thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 Aboue ancientes haue I vnderstood: because I haue sought thy commandments.
101 I haue staied my feete from al euil way: that I may keepe thy wordes.
102 I haue not declined from thy iudgements: because thou hast set me a law.
103 How sweete are thy wordes to my iawes, more then honie to my mouth!
By thy commandments I haue vnderstood: therfore haue I hated al the way of iniquitie.
105 Thy word is a lampe to my feete, and a light to my pathes.
106 I sware, and haue determined to keepe the iudgements of thy iustice.
207 I am humbled excedingly ô Lord: quicken me according to thy word.
108 The voluntaries of my mouth make acceptable ô Lord: and teach me thy iudgements.
109 My soule is in my handes alwaies: and I haue not forgotten thy law.
110 Sinners laid a snare for me: and I haue not erred from thy commandments.
111 For inheritance I haue purchased thy testimonies for euer: because they are the ioy of my hart.
112 I haue inclined my hart to doe thy iustifications for euer, for reward.
113 I haue hated the vniust: and I haue loued thy law.
114 Thou art my helper, and protectour: and vpon thy word I haue much hoped.
115 Depart from me ye malignant: and I wil search the commandmentes of my God.
116 Receiue me according to thy word, and I shal liue: and confound me not of myn expectation.
117 Helpe me, and I shal be saued: and I wil meditate in thy iustifications alwayes.
118 Thou hast despised al that reuolt from thy iudgementes: because their cogitation is vniust.
119 Al the sinners of the earth I haue reputed preuaricatours: therfore haue I loued thy testimonies.
120 Pearse my flesh with thy feare: for I am afrayd of thy iudgementes.
121 I haue done iudgement and iustice: deliuer me not to them that calumniate me.
122 Receiue thy seruant vnto good: let not the prowde calumniate me.
123 Mine eies haue fayled after thy saluation: and for the word of thy iustice.
124 Doe with thy seruant according to thy mercie: and teachet me thy iustifications.
125 I am thy seruant: geue me vnderstanding, that I may know thy testimonies.
126 It is time to doe ô Lord: they haue dissipated thy law.
127 Therefore haue I loued thy commandementes, aboue gold and topazius:
128 Therefore was I directed to al thy commandementes: al wicked way I haue hated.
129 Thy testimonies are meruelous: therfore hath my soule searched them.
130 The declaration of thy wordes doth illuminate: and geueth vnderstanding to litle ones.
131 I opened my mouth, and drew breath: because I desired thy commandments.
132 Looke vpon me, and haue mercie on me, according to the iudgement of them that loue thy name.
133 Direct my steppes according to thy Word: and let not anie iniustice haue domination ouer me.
134 Redeme me from the calumnies of men: that I may kepe thy commondmentes.
135 Illuminate thy face vpon thy seruant: and teach me thy iustifications.
136 Mine eies haue gushed forth issues of water: because they haue not kept thy law.
137 Thou art iust ô Lord: and thy iudgement is right.
138 Thou hast commanded iustice thy testimonies: and thy veritie excedingly.
139 My Zele hath made me to pine away: because mine enimies haue forgotten thy wordes.
140 Thy word is fired excedingly: and thy seruant hath loued it.
141 I am a yongman, and contemned: I haue not forgotten thy iustifications.
142 Thy iustice, is iustice for euer: and thy law is veritie.
143 Tribulation, and distresse haue found me: thy commandments are my meditation.
144 Thy testimonies are equitie for euer geue me vnderstanding, and I shal liue.
145 I haue cried in my whole hart, heare me ô Lord: I wil seeke after thy iustifications.
146 I haue cried to thee, saue me: that I may keepe thy commandmentes.
147 I haue preuented in maturitie, and haue cried: because I hoped much in thy wordes.
148 Mine eies haue preuented early vnto thee: that I might meditate thy wordes.
149 Heare my voice according to thy mercie ô Lord: and according to thy iudgement quicken me.
150 They that persecute me haue approched to iniquitie: but from thy law they are made far of.
151 Thou art nigh ô Lord: and al thy wayes are truth.
152 From the beginning I knewe of thy testimonies: that thou hast founded them for euer.
153 See my humiliation, and deliuer me: because I haue not forgotten thy law.
154 Iudge my iudgement, & redeme me: for thy word quicken thou me.
155 Saluation is far from sinners: because they haue not sought after thy iustifications.
156 Thy mercies are manie ô Lord: according to thy iudgement quicken me.
157 There are manie that persecute me, and afflict me: I haue not declined from thy testimonies.
158 I saw the preuaricatours, and I pyned away: because they kept not thy wordes.
159 See that I haue loued thy commandmentes ô Lord: in thy mercie quicken me.
160 The beginning of thy wordes is truth: al the iudgementes of thy iustice are for euer.
161 Princes haue persecuted me without cause: and my hart hath bene afrayd of thy wordes.
162 I wil reioyce at thy wordes: as he that findeth manie spoyles.
163 I haue hated iniquitie, and abhorred it: but thy law I haue loued.
164 Seuentimes in the day I haue sayd prayse to thee, for the iudgements of thy iustice.
165 There is much peace to them that loue thy law: & there is no scandal to them.
166 I expected thy saluation ô Lord: and haue loued thy commandmentes.
167 My soule hath kept thy testimonies: and hath loued them excedindgly.
168 I haue kept thy commandmentes, and thy testimonies: because al my waies are in thy sight.
169 Let my petition approch in thy sight ô Lord: according to thy word giue me vnderstanding.
170 Let my request enter in thy sight: according to thy word deliuer me.
171 My lippes shal vtter an hymne, when thou shalt teach me thy iustifications.
172 My tongue shal pronounce thy word: because al thy commandmentes are equitie.
173 Let thy hand be to saue me: because I haue chosen thy commandmentes.
174 I haue coneted thy saluation ô Lord: and thy law is my meditation.
178 My soule shal liue, and shal prayse thee: and thy iudgementes shal helpe me
176 I haue strayed, as a sheepe, that is lost: seeke thy seruant, because I haue not forgotten thy commandmentes.