Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Vnto the end, to the children of Core, a Psalme.
2 O Lord thou hast blessed thy land: thou hast turned away the captiuitie of Iacob.
3 Thou hast forgeuen the iniquitie of thy people: thou hast couered al their sinnes.
4 Thou hast mitigated al thy wrath: thou hast turned away from the wrath of thine indignation.
5 Conuert vs ô God our sauiour: and auert thy wrath from vs.
6 Wilt thou be wrath with vs for euer? or wilt thou extend thy wrath from generation vnto generation?
7 O God thou being turned shalt quicken vs: and thy pepole shal reioyce in thee.
8 Shew vs ô Lord thy mercie and giue vs thy saluation.
9 I wil heare what our Lord God wil speake in me: because he wil speake peace vpon his people. And vpon his saincts: and vpon them, that are conuerted to the hart.
10 But yet his saluation is nigh to them that feare him: that glorie may inhabite in our land.
11 Mercie and truth haue met each other: iustice and peace haue kissed.
12 Truth is risen out of the earth: and iustice hath looked downe from heauen.
13 For our Lord certes wil geue benignitie: and our land shal giue her fruite.
14 Iustice shal walke before him: and shal set his steppes in the way.