Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 Vnto the end, to the seruant of our Lord Dauid him selfe.
2 THE vniust hath said within him selfe, that he would sinne: there is no feare of God before his eies
3 Because he hath done deceitfully in his sight: that his iniquitie may be found vnto hatred.
4 The wordes of his mouth are iniquitie, and guile: he would not vnderstand that he might doe wel.
5 He hath meditated iniquitie in his bed: he hath set himselfe on euery way not good, and malice he hath not hated.
6 Lord thy mercie is in heauen: and thy truth euen to the clowdes.
7 Thy iustice as the hilles of God: thy iudgementes are great depth. Men & beastes thou wilt saue ô Lord:
8 as thou hast multiplied thy mercie ô God. But the children of men, shal hope in the couert of thy winges.
9 They shal be inebriated with the plentie of thy house: and with the torrent of thy pleasure thou shalt make them drinke.
10 Because with thee is the fountaine of life: and in thy light we shal see light.
11 Extend thy mercie to them that know thee, and thy iustice to them, that are of a right hart.
12 Let not the foote of pride come to me: and let not the hand of a sinner moue me.
13 There haue they fallen that worke iniquitie: they were expelled, neither could they stand.