Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods helpe in al good vvorkes.
the 3. key.
Neither house nor citie can be built, or kept without Gods special prouidence and helpe, 3. those that trust in him shal prosper in their endeuours.
1 A gradual Canticle of Salomon: VNLESSE our Lord build the house, they haue laboured in vayne that build it. Vnlesse our Lord kepe the citie, he watcheth in vayne that kepeth it.
2 It is vaine for you to rise before light: rise ye after ye haue sitten, which eate the bread of sorow.
3 When he shal giue sleepe to his beloued: behold the inheritance of our Lord are children: the reward, the fruite of the wombe.
4 As arrowes in the hand of the mightie: so are the children of them that are shaken.
5 Blessed is the man that hath filled his desire of them: he shal not be confounded when he shal speake to his enemies in the gate.