Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


1 To Dauid, when he changed his countenance before Abimelech, and he dismist him, and he went away. (1. Reg. 21.)
2 I WIL blesse our Lord at al time: his prayse alwayes in my mouth.
3 In our Lord my soule shal be praised: let the milde heare, and reioyce.
4 Magnifie ye our Lord with me: and let vs exalt his name for euer.
5 I haue sought out our Lord, and he hath heard me: and from al my tribulations he hath deliuered me.
6 Come ye to him, and be illuminated: and your faces shal not be confounded.
7 This poore man hath cried, and our Lord hath heard him: and from al his tribulations he hath saued him.
8 The Angel of our Lord shal put in him selfe about them that feare him: and shal deliuer them.
9 Tast ye, and see that our Lord is sweete: blessed is the man, that hopeth in him.
10 Feare ye our Lord al ye his sainctes: because there is no lacke to them that feare him.
11 The rich haue wanted, and haue bene hungrie: but they that seeke after our Lord shal not be diminished of any good.
12 Come children, heare me: I wil teach you the feare of our Lord.
13 Who is the man that wil haue life: loueth to see good daies.
14 Stay thy tongue from euil: and thy lippes that they speake not guile.
15 Turne away from euil, and do good: seeke after peace, and pursewe it.
16 The eies of our Lord vpon the iust: and his eares vnto their prayers
17 But the countenance of our Lord is vpon them that doe euil things: to destroy their memorie out of the earth.
18 The iust haue cried, and our Lord hath heard them: and out of al their tribulations he hath deliuered them.
19 Our Lord is nigh to them, that are of a contrite hart: and the humble of spirit he wil saue.
20 Manie are the tribulations of the iust: and out of al these our Lord wil deliuer them.
21 Our Lord keepeth al their bones: there shal not one of them be broken.
22 The death of sinners is verie il: and they that hate the iust shal offend.
23 Our Lord wil redeme the soules of his seruantes: and al that hope in him shal not offend.