Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Prayer in tribulation.
the 7. key.
The Iewes in captiuitie of Babylon, Christians in persecution, or other great tribulation, pray with confidence to be deliuered from danger, and sclander of wicked tongues, 5. lamenting their long indurance.
1 A gradual Canticle. VVHEN I was in tribulation I cried to our Lord: and he heard me.
2 O Lord deliuer my soule from vniust lippes, and from a deceiptful tongue.
3 What may be geuen thee, or what may be added vnto thee to a deceiptful tongue?
4 The sharpe arrowes of the mightie, with coales of desolation.
5 Woe is to me, that my seiourning is prolonged: I haue dwelte with the inhabitantes of Cedar:
6 My soule hath bene long a seiourner.
7 With them, that hated peace, I was peaceable: when I spake to them, they impugned me without cause.