Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Our Creator to be praised by al creatures
the 1. key.
Al creatures spiritual and corporal, are inuited to praise God, their Creator and Conseruer, 13. as incomparably excellent.
1 Alleluia.
PRAYSE ye our Lord from the heauens: praise ye him in the high places.
2 Prayse ye him al his Angels: prayse ye him al his hostes:
3 Prayse ye him sunne and moone: prayse him al ye starres, and light.
4 Prayse him ye heauens of heauens: and the waters that are aboue the heauens, 5 let them praise the name of our Lord.
Because he sayd, and they were made: he commanded, and they were created.
6 He established them for euer, and for euer and euer: he put a precept, and it shal not passe.
7 Prayse our Lord from the earth: ye dragons, and al depthes.
8 Fyre, haile, snow, yse, spirit of stormes: which doe his worde:
9 Mountaines, and al litle hilles: trees that beare fruite, and al ceders.
10 Beastes, and al cattel: serpentes, and fethered fowles:
11 Kinges of the earth, and al peoples: princes, and al iudges of the earth.
12 Yongmen, and virgins: old with yong let them prayse the name of our Lord: 13 because the name of him alone is exalted.
14 The confession of him aboue heauen, and earth: and he hath exalted the horne of his people.
An hymne to al his sainctes: to the children of Israel, a people approching vnto him. Alleluia.